SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice
11. Disassembly and Assembly Instructions
This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization
1) Notice the rear case should not be damaged or
1) Notice the rear case should not be damaged
and deformed
1) Notice the rear case not be damaged or
2) Notice the rear case not be deformed
1) Notice the speaker carrier not be damaged.
2) Notice the speaker wire not be cut.
11-1. Disassembly Instructions
1) Unscrew 5 points in the rear case.
1) Separate the locker by inserting the
disassembly apparatus into the gap between
the front and the rear.
1) Separate the locker on the other side
2) Separate the rear case
1) Unscrew the speaker carrier.
2) Separate the speaker carrier connector.
Must use the disassembly apparatus
Notice the fragile rear not be broken