LiMiteD Warranty tO OriginaL PUrCHaSer
This SamSUnG brand product, as supplied and distributed by Samsung electronics america, Inc. (SamSUnG) and delivered
new, in the original carton to the original consumer purchaser, is warranted by SamSUnG against manufacturing defects in
materials and workmanship for a limited warranty period of:
One (1) year Parts and Labor*
(*90 Days Parts and Labor for Commercial Use)
This limited warranty begins on the original date of purchase, and is valid only on products purchased and used in the United States.
To receive warranty service, the purchaser must contact SamSUnG for problem determination and service procedures. Warranty
service can only be performed by a SamSUnG authorized service center. The original dated bill of sale must be presented upon
request as proof of purchase to SamSUnG or SamSUnG's authorized service center. Transportation of the product to and from the
service center is the responsibility of the purchaser.
SamSUnG will repair or replace this product, at our option and at no charge as stipulated herein, with new or reconditioned
parts or products if found to be defective during the limited warranty period specified above. all replaced parts and products
become the property of SamSUnG and must be returned to SamSUnG. replacement parts and products assume the
remaining original warranty, or ninety (90) days, whichever is longer.
SamSUnG’s obligations with respect to software products distributed by SamSUnG under the SamSUnG brand name are
set forth in the applicable end user license agreement. non-SamSUnG hardware and software products, if provided, are on an
“aS IS” basis. non-SamSUnG manufacturers, suppliers, publishers, and service providers may provide their own warranties.
This limited warranty covers manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship encountered in normal, and except to the
extent otherwise expressly provided for in this statement, noncommercial use of this product, and shall not apply to the
following, including, but not limited to: damage which occurs in shipment; delivery and installation; applications and uses for
which this product was not intended; altered product or serial numbers; cosmetic damage or exterior finish; accidents, abuse,
neglect, fire, water, lightning or other acts of nature; use of products, equipment, systems, utilities, services, parts, supplies,
accessories, applications, installations, repairs, external wiring or connectors not supplied and authorized by SamSUnG, or
which damage this product or result in service problems; incorrect electrical line voltage, fluctuations and surges; customer
adjustments and failure to follow operating instructions, cleaning, maintenance and environmental instructions that are covered
and prescribed in the instruction book; product removal or reinstallation; reception problems and distortion related to noise,
echo, interference or other signal transmission and delivery problems. SamSUnG does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free
operation of the product.
THere are no eXPreSS WarranTIeS oTHer THan THoSe LISTeD anD DeSCrIBeD aBoVe, anD no WarranTIeS
WHeTHer eXPreSS or ImPLIeD, InCLUDInG, BUT noT LImITeD To, any ImPLIeD WarranTIeS of merCHanTaBILITy or
fITneSS for a ParTICULar PUrPoSe, SHaLL aPPLy afTer THe eXPreSS WarranTy PerIoDS STaTeD aBoVe, anD no
oTHer eXPreSS WarranTy or GUaranTy GIVen By any PerSon, fIrm or CorPoraTIon WITH reSPeCT To THIS
ProDUCT SHaLL Be BInDInG on SamSUnG. SamSUnG SHaLL noT Be LIaBLe for LoSS of reVenUe or ProfITS,
faILUre To reaLIZe SaVInGS or oTHer BenefITS, or any oTHer SPeCIaL, InCIDenTaL or ConSeQUenTIaL DamaGeS
CaUSeD By THe USe, mISUSe or InaBILITy To USe THIS ProDUCT, reGarDLeSS of THe LeGaL THeory on WHICH THe
CLaIm IS BaSeD, anD eVen If SamSUnG HaS Been aDVISeD of THe PoSSIBILITy of SUCH DamaGeS. nor SHaLL
reCoVery of any KInD aGaInST SamSUnG Be GreaTer In amoUnT THan THe PUrCHaSe PrICe of THe ProDUCT
SoLD By SamSUnG anD CaUSInG THe aLLeGeD DamaGe. WITHoUT LImITInG THe foreGoInG, PUrCHaSer aSSUmeS
aLL rISK anD LIaBILITy for LoSS, DamaGe or InJUry To PUrCHaSer anD PUrCHaSer’S ProPerTy anD To oTHerS
anD THeIr ProPerTy arISInG oUT of THe USe, mISUSe or InaBILITy To USe THIS ProDUCT SoLD By SamSUnG noT
CaUSeD DIreCTLy By THe neGLIGenCe of SamSUnG. THIS LImITeD WarranTy SHaLL noT eXTenD To anyone oTHer
THan THe orIGInaL PUrCHaSer of THIS ProDUCT, IS nonTranSferaBLe anD STaTeS yoUr eXCLUSIVe remeDy.
The benefits of this Limited Warranty extend only to the original purchaser of Samsung products from an authorized Samsung
reseller. THIS LImITeD WarranTy SHaLL noT aPPLy To any SamSUnG ProDUCTS PUrCHaSeD from UnaUTHorIZeD
reSeLLerS or reTaILerS, eXCePT In STaTeS WHere SUCH reSTrICTIon may Be ProHIBITeD. for a list of Samsung
authorized retailers, please go to: http://www.samsung.com/us/peaceofmind/authorized_resellers.html
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal
rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
To obtain warranty hardware service, please contact SamSUnG customer care center.