Dolby Atmos
Enjoy Dolby Atmos quality when playing content that was specifically mixed for
Atmos. This feature may only be available with a headset connected.
From Settings, tap
Sounds and vibration > Sound quality
and effects for the
following options:
Dolby Atmos: Experience breakthrough audio that flows above and
Dolby Atmos for gaming:
Apply Dolby Atmos optimized for gaming.
Choose an audio preset that is customized to different genres of music, or manually
change your audio settings.
1. From Settings, tap
Sounds and vibration > Sound quality
and effects.
2. Tap Equalizer to choose a music genre.
Enhance the sound resolution of music and videos for a clearer listening experience.
This feature is only available with a headset connected.
1. From Settings, tap
Sounds and vibration > Sound quality
and effects.
2. Tap
UHQ upscaler and choose an upscaling option.
Adapt sound
Customize the sound for each ear and enhance your listening experience.
1. From Settings, tap
Sounds and vibration > Sound quality
and effects >
2. Tap Adapt sound for to select when to change the sound settings.
3. Tap the sound profile that fits you best, and tap
Settings to customize.
Tap Add personalized sound profile to let your device identify the best sound
for you.