135 Playing all the Content on a Storage Device
135 Clearing the Recent Playlist
136 Using Networked External Storage Devices
137 Allowing DLNA Device Connections
140 Additional Video Playback Settings
141 Additional Music Playback Settings
143 Additional Photo Playback Settings
Mirroring Mobile Device Screens on the TV
151 Motion Control Environment Check
153 Manage Satellite Channels (when the aerial was set to
155 Main Data Service buttons and their functions
Connecting to a TV Viewing Card slot
157 To connect the CI CARD, follow these steps:
157 Using the “CI or CI+ CARD”
158 To connect the CI CARD Adapter, follow these steps:
159 Using the “CI or CI+ CARD”
164 Picture Size and Input Signal
Subtitle and Media Contents file formats, and Codec
167 Supported image resolutions