Alignment and Adjustments
Samsung Electronics
Alignment and Adjustments
4-3-8 Center Convergence Adjustment
1. Warm up the receiver for at least 20 minutes.
2. Adjust the two tabs of the 4 pole magnets to
change the angle between them. Superimpose
the red and blue vertical lines in the center
area of the screen.
3. Adjust the Brightness and Contrast controls
for a well defined picture.
4. Adjust the two-tab pairs of the 4 pole mag-
nets, and change the angle between them.
Superimpose the red and the blue vertical
lines in the center area of the screen.
5. Turn the both tabs at the same time, keeping
the angle constant, and superimpose the red
and blue horizontal line in the center of the
6. Adjust the two-tab pairs of the 6-pole magnets
to superimpose the red and blue line onto the
green. (Changing the angle affects the vertical
lines, and rotating both magnets affects the
horizontal lines.)
7. Repeat adjustments 2~6, if necessary.
8. Since the 4-pole magnets and 6-pole magnets
interact, the dot movement is complex
(Fig. 4-5).
Fig. 4-5 Center Convergence Adjustment
4-Pole Magnet Movement
6-Pole Magnet Movement
4-3-9 RF AGC Adjustment
1. Tune to the strongest local station.
2. Enter the Factory Service Mode to make adjustments.
3. Adjust the AGC control untill noise(snow) disappears from the screen.