Install the outdoor unit in a place (such as near buildings etc.) where it can be prevented from sea breeze which can
damage the outdoor unit.
If you cannot avoid installing the outdoor unit by the seashore, construct a protection wall around to block the sea breeze.
as concrete to block the sea breeze and the height and the width
of the wall should be 1.5 times larger than the size of the outdoor
unit. Also,secure over 700mm between the protection wall and the
outdoor unit for exhausted air to ventilate.
Install the outdoor unit in a place where water can drain smoothly.
If you cannot find a place satisfying above conditions, please contact manufacturer. Make sure to clean the sea water and the dust
on the outdoor unit heat exchanger and spread corrosion inhibitor on heat exchanger. (At least one time per one year.)
Sea breeze
Protection wall
Outdoor unit
Sea breeze
Outdoor unit
Sea breeze
Outdoor unit
You have just purchased a Free Joint Multi air conditioner and it has been installed by your installation specialist.
This device must be installed according to the national electrical rules.
Max input power & current is measured according to IEC standard and input power & current is measured accord-
ing to ISO standard.
More than 2 indoor units should be installed when you use Free Joint Multi air conditioner.
Our units must be installed in compliance with the spaces indicated in the installation manual to ensure either
accessibility from both sides or ability to perform routine maintenance and repairs.
The units’ components must be accessible and that can be disassembled in conditions of complete safety either for
people or things. For this reason, where it is not observed as indicated into the Installation Manual, the cost neces-
sary to reach and repair the unit (in safety, as required by current regulations in force) with slings, trucks, scaffolding
or any other means of elevation won’t be considered in-warranty and charged to end user.
With an outdoor unit having net weight upper then 60kg,we suggest do not install it suspended on wall, but con-
sidering floor standing one.
When the outdoor unit is installed near seashore or in a place where sulfuric acid gas may leak, corrosion may occur
in outdoor unit and cause product malfunction.