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When the door does 
not open

The door does not open when the temperature inside your washing machine is 
high or when the tub is filled with water.


When the internal air temperature after a wash is higher than 70 °C or the water 
temperature is more than 55 °C. 
Wait until the internal temperature has dropped.


When the tub is filled with water.


Select Spin to drain the water. Then you will be able to open the door.  
For some models, you can open door when “End” is displayed or the end 
melody is played.


If you open the door by force, it may result in damage to the product or safety 

When selecting the 
Dry function

For the Drying capacity, 1/3 of the wash capacity is reasonable.

 The maximum 

drying rate is 95%.


If you insert more than the maximum drying capacity specified in the user 
manual, the drying performance may decrease. 
Remove and shake out the laundry. Heat and moisture is removed and the 
laundry will be dry.

When inserting 
fabric softener

If fabric softener is inserted above the reference line (MAX) of the 
fabric softener compartment, fabric softener may enter directly 
into the tub.


Insert fabric softener only up to the reference line (MAX) so 
that it does not overflow.

If the rinse cap (hereafter cap) is not inserted correctly or there 
is foreign material in the cap when using concentrated fabric 
softener (liquid fabric softener of a high viscosity), fabric softener 
or water may remain.


Check whether the cap is correctly inserted into the detergent 
compartment where the fabric softener is inserted.


Open the detergent compartment and press the removal 
button inside. Remove and clean it.

When the wash time 

The wash time may increase if an unbalance is detected with the load, the 
machine will automatically try to balance the load. This process may extend 
the wash program time.


Press the 


 button and then check the laundry status. Spread the 

laundry evenly and perform the course again.



If any error message other than the following error messages is displayed, refer to the user manual.




When the door is 

Is the door opened?


Make sure to operate your washing machine after closing the 

When no water is 

Is the tap closed?


Turn on the tap.

Is the filter net of the water supply hose connector blocked?


Remove and clean the filter net of the water supply hose.

When the water does 
not drain

Is the drain filter blocked?


Clean the drain filter.

Is the washing machine frozen because of the cold weather?


Add hot water into the tub and let it defrost for about one hour.

When the internal 
temperature of the 
drum is high

Did the washing machine pause while drying or performing an air 


The cooling fan operates automatically. Therefore wait until the 
‘Hot’ indication disappears.


Only the Power and Start/Pause buttons operate while the ‘Hot’ 
indication displays.


When the internal temperature of the drum is high, the door 
does not open. If you open the door by force, it may result in 
product damage and safety issues. Therefore wait until the 
temperature has dropped.

When water does not 
drain because the 
internal temperature 
does not drop below 
55 °C even if thirty 
minutes has passed 
after the wash has 

Have the cold and hot water supply hoses been mixed up?


Connect the cold and hot water supply hoses correctly.


Operate your washing machine again by pressing the Start/
Pause button.

















Summary of Contents for 592-49442

Page 1: ...ce may differ from your washing machine However the cleaning descriptions are the same 1 Open the filter cover using a coin or a key 4 Unscrew the emergency drain cap by turning it counter clockwise 2 Unscrew the emergency drain cap and pull out the emergency drain tube to drain off the remaining water 5 Clean the debris filter and the inside of the drain hose 3 Hold the cap on the end of the emerge...

Page 2: ...h time increases The wash time may increase if an unbalance is detected with the load the machine will automatically try to balance the load This process may extend the wash program time Press the Start Pause button and then check the laundry status Spread the laundry evenly and perform the course again SELF TEST If any error message other than the following error messages is displayed refer to th...

Page 3: ...llerdings gleich 1 Öffnen Sie die Abdeckung der Fremdkörperfalle mit Hilfe einer Münze oder eines Schlüssels 4 Schrauben Sie die Notfallablaufkappe gegen der Uhrzeigersinn heraus 2 Schrauben Sie die Notfallablaufkappe heraus und ziehen Sie den Ablassschlauch heraus damit das gesamte austretende Wasser ablaufen kann 5 Reinigen Sie die Fremdkörperfalle und das Innere des Notablaufs 3 Halten Sie die ...

Page 4: ...gleichmäßige Beladung festgestellt wird denn die Maschine versucht dieses Ungleichgewicht zu kompensieren Dieser Prozess kann die Waschzeit verlängern Drücken Sie die Start Pause Taste und kontrollieren Sie die Verteilung der Wäsche in der Trommel Verteilen Sie die Wäsche gleichmäßig und wiederholen Sie das Waschprogramm SELBSTTEST Wenn eine andere Fehlermeldung als die folgenden angezeigt wird sc...

Page 5: ... procédure de nettoyage est la même 1 Ouvrez le capot du filtre en utilisant une pièce de monnaie ou une clé 4 Dévissez le bouchon de vidange d urgence en le tournant dans le sens horaire 2 Dévissez le bouchon et sortez le tuyau de vidange d urgence afin d évacuer l eau qu il contient 5 Nettoyez le filtre à impuretés et l intérieur du tuyau de vidange 3 Tenez le tuyau de vidange vers le bas pour évac...

Page 6: ...lavage Le temps de lavage peut augmenter si un déséquilibre est détecté au niveau du ligne chargé Le lave linge tente alors automatiquement d équilibrer la charge Cette opération peut rallonger le temps de lavage Appuyez sur le bouton Démarrer Pause et vérifiez le linge chargé Répartissez le linge de manière égale et relancez le programme AUTO DIAGNOSTIC Si un message d erreur autre que ceux présen...

Page 7: ... tapa del filtro con una moneda o una llave 4 Desenrosque el tapón del desagüe de emergencia girándolo en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj 2 Desenrosque el tapón del desagüe de emergencia y tire del tubo para desaguar el agua restante 5 Limpie el filtro de residuos y el interior de la manguera de desagüe 3 Sujete el tubo por el tapón del desagüe de emergencia del extremo y deje que el agua s...

Page 8: ...quilibrio en la colada la máquina intentará equilibrar la colada automáticamente Este proceso puede incrementar el tiempo del lavado Pulse el botón Inicio Pausa y compruebe el estado de la colada Extienda la colada uniformemente y vuelva a ejecutar el programa COMPROBACIÓN AUTOMÁTICA Si aparecen mensajes de error diferentes a los que se explican a continuación consulte el manual del usuario Indica...

Page 9: ...alla lavabiancheria in uso Le istruzioni per la pulizia dell apparecchio sono tuttavie identiche 1 Aprire il coperchio del filtro utilizzando una moneta o una chiave 4 Svitare il tappo dello scarico di emergenza ruotandolo in senso antiorario 2 Svitare il tappo dello scarico di emergenza ed estrarre i tubo di scarico per drenare l acqua residua 5 Pulire il filtro detriti e l interno del tubo di scar...

Page 10: ...viene rilevato un carico di bucato non bilanciato in quanto la lavabiancheria tenterà di bilanciare il carico Questa procedura può prolungare la durata del ciclo di lavaggio Premere il tasto Avviamento Pausa e verificare lo stato del bucato Distribuire uniformemente il bucato nel cestello e riprovare TEST AUTOMATICO Se viene visualizzato un messaggio diverso dai seguenti messaggi di errore vedere i...

Page 11: ...ndo uma moeda ou uma chave 4 Desaperte a tampa de escoamento de emergência rodando a no sentido inverso ao dos ponteiros do relógio 2 Desaperte a tampa de escoamento de emergência e retire o tubo de escoamento de emergência para escoar a água restante 5 Limpe o filtro de resíduos e o interior da mangueira de escoamento 3 Segure a tampa que se encontra na extremidade do tubo de escoamento de emergên...

Page 12: ...arga automaticamente Este processo pode prolongar o tempo do programa de lavagem Carregue no botão Iniciar Pausa e em seguida verifique o estado da roupa Espalhe a roupa uniformemente e execute o programa novamente AUTO DIAGNÓSTICO Se for apresentada uma mensagem de erro diferente das que se seguem consulte o manual de utilizador Indicação Sintoma Acção A porta está aberta A porta está aberta Certi...

Page 13: ...аться от приобретенной Вами стиральной машины Однако способы очистки применяются те же 1 Откройте крышку фильтра с помощью монетки или ключа 4 Выверните заглушку трубки аварийного слива повернув ее против часовой стрелки 2 Выверните заглушку трубки аварийного слива и извлеките трубку аварийного слива чтобы слить оставшуюся воду 5 Очистите фильтр для мусора и внутреннюю часть сливного шланга 3 Возь...

Page 14: ... автоматически пытаться сбалансировать загруженное белье Вследствие этого может увеличиться общее время стирки Нажмите кнопку Старт Пауза а затем проверьте как располагается белье Распределите белье ровно и снова запустите цикл САМОТЕСТИРОВАНИЕ Если на дисплее отображается сообщение об ошибке отличное от указанных ниже см руководство пользователя Индикация Неисправность Действие Когда дверца откры...
