EB 9520 EN
2. Close the equalizing valve or bypass of
the valve block.
3. Open the low-pressure line.
4. Check zero (see section 6.1) and put the
device back into operation.
During measurement, make sure that the
equalizing valve is closed and the shut-off
valves are open.
In cryogenic applications, the process me-
dium circulates during measurement when
the equalizing valve is opened, causing the
valve block to ice up.
Checking zero
Zero can also be checked while the system is
running, provided the differential pressure
lines are equipped with shut-off and equaliz-
ing valves.
1. Close the shut-off valve in the high-pres-
sure line.
2. Open the equalizing valve.
3. Close the shut-off valve in the low-pres-
sure line to allow the pressures to equal-
ize in the dp cell.
The pointer must indicate zero.
If this is not the case, undo the dial
screws and turn the dial (it can be turned
by 4° at the maximum).
In case of larger deviations, remove the
pointer with an appropriate tool. Align
the dial plate in the mid-position. Re-
mount the pointer on the axis in the zero
To start-up:
1. Open the low-pressure line.
2. Close the equalizing valve.
3. Slowly but gradually open the high-pres-
sure line all the way.
4. The device is in operation again.
If a valve block is installed, proceed as
described above.
Dial screws
Fig. 6:
Zero point calibration (turning the dial)
Water drainage
When measuring gas, drain condensed wa-
ter from the separation chambers from time
to time. Close valves in the differential pres-
sure lines (valve block) before opening the
drain plugs.