10. Begin to level each corner. Use the two included pieces
of wood for leveling.
7. Trace both the inside and the outside of the headers with a pen-
cil. The lines will determine the permanent posion of the gazebo.
8. Repeat step 7 for the other seven headers.
9. Put the small 4 x 4 around the center of the headers and trace
it with a pencil. This should NOT be removed during the leveling.
11. Check the level and mark the leveled horizontal line for
each corner.
12. Connue to level unl you have eight lines. Label the
lowest line as “1”.
Your lines may look
much closer than
this example if your
pao is almost level.
Taping your level to the longer
piece is recommended.
Please take
extra me for
accuracy since
this is the most