SeCtION 10 |
Output Voltage adjustment
The voltage at the output terminals load + and load – will be as follows :
Module voltage minus 0.2V at 10a load module voltage
AT LoADS > 10A
Module voltage minus 0.4V minus 5mv per amp above 10A
• Switch off the unit and unplug the power cord.
• The output voltage of each individual power supply module (PSM) is adjusted one
by one starting from the left most module – PSM 1 and progressing to the right most
module – PSM No. 5 (for SEC-100BRM-230). AC input is connected only to the module
being adjusted. AC input to the remaining modules is disconnected.
• Remove the AC input connections (female quick connect terminals connected to the
l and N male tab terminals on the modules – fig. 1) from PSM nos. 2, 3, 4 And 5.
Temporarily insulate these female quick connect terminals with insulating tape for
safety. Now, only PSM No. 1 can be energized.
• Switch oN the power supply. only PSM No. 1 will operate. Adjust the output voltage
of this module to the desired value with the help of potentiometer VR1 (fig.1) Meas-
ure the voltage at the screw terminals S5 and S6 (fig.1)
• Switch off the power supply. Remove the AC input connection from PSM No. 1. Tem-
porarily insulate these terminals with insulation tape. Remove temporary insulation
from the AC connectors for PSM 2 and connect them to PSM 2. Now only PSM 2 can
• Switch oN the power supply. only PSM No. 2 will operate. Adjust the output voltage
of this module to the desired value with the help of potentiometer VR1 (fig.1). Meas-
ure the voltage at the screw terminals S5 and S6 (fig.1)
• Continue to adjust the voltage of the remaining Module Nos. 3, 4 and 5 individually
as explained above making sure that the AC power is connected to only the module
being adjusted.
• After all the modules have been adjusted to the same output voltage, connect the AC
input back to all the five modules.
• Power on the unit and check that all the 5 “PSM Status” LEDs are lighted. This will
confirm that the voltage adjustment has been completed successfully.
note: as explained under design & principle of operation on page 7, it is likely that the
minimum internal preload current for the new value of the output voltage may not be
sufficient to provide adequate feedback signal strength resulting in shut down of one or
more PSM(s) when no external load is present (the associated PSM status LED will flash
and also, the associated signal for remote indication will oscillate between high and
low). In such a case, apply an external load to increase the feed back signal strength. If
there is no other defect, the PSM(s) that were shut down will also operate normally.