Sames NANOGUN-MV LR User Manual Download Page 62

 Index revision : C - March 2016



13.14.  Appendices

13.14.1.  Protective hose covering
This covering can be used to protect hoses and cables to ensure long life and flexibility.

13.14.2.  Protective case for spray gun

13.14.3.  Warning notice

13.14.4.  Safety valve


Part number

Unit of sale



Rilsan Protective hose 


covering with 30 collars


50 m roll


Part number

Unit of sale



Protective case 




Part number

Unit of sale










Part number

Unit of sale




Safety valve 6.5 bar 
1/4 G




N˚ Sames 1407684

This sign must be hung in the booth.

Manual electrostatic equipment for the application of paint or varnish

• This equipment must only be used by SAMES trained personnel.

• The command module must be located at least 1,5m from the booth openings.

• The use of the command module must be completely dependent upon the running 
of the booth's exhaust fan.

• Regroup the cables and pipes arriving to the spray gun to prevent them from 
dragging on the ground where they could be severed.

• Only metallic recipients must be used for cleaning liquids. They must definitely be 

• Use cleaning liquids with a flash point higher than ambient temperature.

• Correctly ground all of the metallic parts in the booth, as well as the parts to be 

• The operator and persons working nearby must wear antistatic shoes.

• The operator's hand must be in contact with the spray gun grip.

• Work on an antistatic floor such as bare concrete or a metallic grating.

• Switch off the command module for any maintenance operation, in particular for the 
cleaning of the nozzle and the cap, and for the rinsing of the paint circuit with the 
cleaning liquid.

• If the spray gun is equipped with a trigger lock, it must be engaged during the 
cleaning of the nozzle and the cap and during a prolonged stop.

• The electrostatic application equipment must be maintained on a regular basis and 
repaired according to the instructions in the manual.




Elektrostatisches Handgerät zum Auftragen von Farben/Lacken von

• Dieses Gerät darf nur durch von SAMES ausgebildetem Personal bedient werden.

• Das Steuermodul ist mindestens 1,5 m von den Öffnungen der Kabine entfernt 

• Die Inbetriebnahme des Steuermoduls muss vom Betrieb des Ventilators des 
Abzugs der Kabine abhängig sein.

• Zur Lackierpistole führende Kabel und Schläuche gruppieren, um zu vermeiden, 
dass diese auf dem Boden liegen, wo sie beschädigt werden können.

• Für Reinigungsflüssigkeiten sind ausschliesslich Metallbehälter zu verwenden. Diese 
müssen zuverlässig geerdet werden.

• Reinigungsflüssigkeiten mit einem Flammpunkt über der Raumtemperatur 

• Alle Metallteile der Kabine sowie die zu beschichtenden Werkstücke sachgemäss 

• Das Bedienungspersonal und Personal, das in unmittelbarer Nähe arbeitet haben 
antistatisches Schuhwerk zu tragen.

• Die Hand des Bedieners muss direkten Kontakt zum Griff der Pistole haben.

• Auf antistatischem Fussboden, wie roher Beton, oder Metallrostfussboden arbeiten.

• Vor Wartungsarbeiten ist das Steuermodul auszuschalten, insbesondere für die 
Reinigung der Düse, des Aufsatzes und zum Spülen des Lackkreislaufs mit 

• Wenn die Lackierpistole mit einer Sicherheitssperrvorrichtung für den Abzug 
versehen ist, ist diese bei Reinigung de Düse, des Aufsatzes und einer längeren 
Unterbrechung zu verriegeln.

• Die elektrostatische Beschichtungsanlage ist regelmässig zu warten und unter 
Einhaltung der Anweisungen im Benutzerhandbuch zu reparieren.

Dieses Schild muss in der Kabine angebracht werden. 



Elektrostatische handapparatuur voor applicatie van verf/vernis

• Dit apparaat mag alleen door SAMES opgeleid personeel worden gebruikt.

• De bedieningsmodule moet zich op minder dan 1,5m afstand van de 
cabineopeningen bevinden.

• De inwerkingstelling van de bedieningsmodule moet onderworpen zijn aan de 
inschakeling van de zuigventilator van de cabine.

• Groepeer de kabels en leidingen die bij het pistool uitkomen zodat ze niet over de 
grond slepen, waar ze kunnen worden afgesneden.

• Gebruik alleen metalen bakken voor de reinigingsvloeistoffen. Zij dienen op veilige 
wijze op de grond te worden gezet.

• Gebruik reinigingsvloeistoffen met een vlampunt dat hoger is dan de 

• Zorg voor een degelijke aardaansluiting van alle metalen cabine- onderdelen en alle 
verfbare delen.

• De gebruiker en het personeel in zijn nabijheid dienen antistatisch schoeisel te 

• De hand van de gebruiker heeft direct contact met de kolf van het pistool.

• Werk op een antistatische grond zoals beton of een metalen rooster.

• Schakel de bedieningsmodule uit voor alle onderhoudshandelingen, vooral bij 
reiniging van de loop of de beschermkap en bij spoeling van het verfcircuit met de 

• Als het pistool is uitgerust met een trekkervergrendeling, dan dient u deze te 
gebruiken tijdens reiniging van de loop of de beschermkap en tijdens langdurige 

• De elektrostatische applicatieapparatuur dient regelmatig te worden onderhouden 
en gerepareerd volgens de aanwijzingen in de gebruikshandleiding.

Bevestig deze plaat in de cabine.



Manuelt udstyr til elektrostatisk påføring af maling/lak

• Udstyret må kun anvendes af personale, der er uddannet af SAMES.

• Betjeningsmodulet skal være anbragt mindst 1,5m fra kabinens åbninger.

• Betjeningsmodulet må kun kunne tændes, når kabinens udsugningsventilator er i 

• Alle kabler og slanger, der er forbundet til pistolen, bør samles for at undgå, at de 
flyder på gulvet, hvor de risikerer at blive skåret over.

• Rengøringsvæskerne må kun opbevares i metalbeholdere. Disse skal være sikkert 
forbundet med jord.

• Der skal bruges rengøringsvæsker med et flammepunkt over stuetemperatur.

• Alle metalliske dele i kabinen såvel som emnet, der skal males, skal jordes korrekt.

• Operatøren og de personer, der arbejder i nærheden, skal bære antistatisk fodtøj.

• Operatørens hånd skal være i direkte berøring med pistolskæftet.

• Der skal arbejdes på et antistatisk underlag, såsom rå beton eller metalriste.

• Betjeningsmodulet skal sættes ud af drift inden al vedligeholdelse, specielt ved 
rengøring af dysen eller hætten og rensning af malingskredsløbet vha. 

• Hvis pistolen er udstyret med en anordning til aflåsning af aftrækkeren, skal denne 
være slået til under rengøringen af dysen eller hætten og ved længerevarende 

• Udstyret til elektrostatisk påføring skal vedligeholdes regelmæssigt og repareres 
ifølge forskrifterne i brugsvejledningen.

Dette skilt skal være anbragt i kabinen. 



Manuell elektrostatisk utrustning för applikation av färg/lack

• Denna utrustning får endast användas av personal utbildad av SAMES.

• Manövermodulen skall vara belägen minst 1,5 m från hyttöppningana.

• Igångsättningen av modulen skall förutsätta inkoppling av hyttens utsugningsfläkt.

• Samla ihop kablar och slangar som går in på pistolen så att de inte ligger i vägen 
på golvet, där de riskerar att skäras av.

• Endast metallbehållare får endast för rengöringsvätskor. De skall jordas på säkert 

• Använd rengöringsvätskor med en flampunkt som ligger över 

• Jorda på korrekt sätt alla metalliska delar av hytten, liksom de delar som skall 

• Operatören och personer som arbetar i närheten av de metalliska delarna skall 
bära antistatiska skodon.

• Operatörens hand skall vara i direkt kontakt med pistolkolven.

• Arbeta på ett antistatiskt golv av typ bar betong eller en metallisk gallerdurk.

• Koppla bort manövermodulen vid varje underhållsarbete, i synnerhet vid rengöring 
av munstycket, hatten och sköljningen av målningskretsen med rengöringsvätska.

• Om pistolen är utrustad med en avtryckarlåsning, skall denna vara ilagd vid 
rengöringen av munstycket, hatten och vid ett långvarigt stopp.

• Den elektrostatiska applikationsutrustningen skall underhållas regelbundet och 
repareras i enlighet med anvisningarna i användarmanualen.

Denna skylt skall placeras i hytten.



I n Käsikäyttöiset sähköstaattiset maalaus-/lakkausruiskut

• Laitteita saa käyttää vain SAMESin kouluttama henkilöstö.

• Ohjausmoduuli on sijoitettava vähintään 1,5 m päähän maalauskopin aukoista.

• Ohjausmoduulin toiminta on kytkettävä maalauskopin imutuulettimen 

• Katkeamisvaaran välttämiseksi maalausruiskun johdot ja letkut on sijoitettava siten, 
että ne eivät laahaa maata.

• Puhdistusaineille käytettävä ainoastaan metallisäiliöitä. Säiliöiden maadoitus on 

• Käytettävä puhdistusaineita, joiden leimahduspiste on korkeampi kuin ympäristön 

• Kaikkien maalauskopin metalliosien sekä maalattavan kappaleen asianmukaisesta 
maadoituksesta on huolehdittava.

• Laitteiston käyttäjän ja sen läheisyydessä työskentelevien on pidettävä antistaattisia 

• Käyttäjän käden on oltava suorassa kosketuksessa maalauspistoolin peräosan 

• Työskentelytasona on oltava antistaattinen pinta, kuten paljas betoni tai metalliritilä.

• Ohjausmoduulista on katkaistava virta kaikkien huoltotoimien ajaksi, etenkin 
puhdistettaessa suutinta tai suojakupua ja huuhdottaessa maalikiertoa 

• Jos pistoolissa on liipaisimen lukitustoiminto, sitä on käytettävä puhdistettaessa 
suutinta tai suojakupua ja laitteiston ollessa pitempään käyttämättä.

• Sähköstaattinen maalauslaitteisto on huollettava säännöllisesti ja korjaukset on 
tehtävä käyttöohjeiden mukaisesti.

Tämä kilpi on sijoitettava maalauskoppiin.



Summary of Contents for NANOGUN-MV LR

Page 1: ...arch 2016 1 7105 User manual SAS SAMES Technologies 13 Chemin de Malacher Inovall e CS 70086 38243 Meylan Cedex France Tel 33 0 4 76 41 60 60 Fax 33 0 4 76 41 60 90 www sames com NANOGUN MV and GNM 60...

Page 2: ...s training courses in the operation and maintenance of your equipment A catalogue is available on request Choose from a wide range of courses to acquire the skills or knowledge that is required to mat...

Page 3: ...1 General spray gun characteristics 15 4 2 GNM 6080 Characteristics 16 4 3 Compressed air characteristics 16 5 Operation 17 6 Special tools 18 6 1 Using the multipurpose spanner 20 7 Installation 21...

Page 4: ...for high resistivity HR solvent paint 10M cm 49 13 2 NANOGUN MV low Pressure spray guns for solvent paint 0 5 M cm 500 M cm 51 13 3 NANOGUN MV spray guns all versions 52 13 4 Barrel assembly 54 13 5 A...

Page 5: ...Index revision 5 13 14 3 Warning notice 62 13 14 4 Safety valve 62 14 The different versions 63 14 1 Equipments 63 14 2 Configuration 64...

Page 6: ...the version 1 1 1 By the barrel All NANOGUN MV range products carry the same markings on the barrel 1 1 2 By the base support This marking groups together all spray gun configurations operating at th...

Page 7: ...nctional safety standard Standard EN13849 level SIL 1 the preservation of this level of safety imposes a periodic control of the equipment in minima every 5 years or 15000 hours of functioning to the...

Page 8: ...nly non conductive pollution occurs Temporary conductivity caused by condensation is to be expected WARNING Before any use of the NANOGUN MV spray gun check that all operators have previously been tra...

Page 9: ...ce with the standard ISO 20344 The measured insulating resistance does not have to exceed 100M Protective clothings intended to be worn including gloves have to be in accordance with the standard EN 1...

Page 10: ...oducts preferably Do not reconnect the electrical power supply until the air cap and nozzle tip have been correctly reassembled on the spray gun Never soak or immerse the spray gun in solvent If requi...

Page 11: ...als listed below Stainless steel Fluoroethylenepropylene FEP Polyamide imide PAI Polyoxymethylene POM Tungsten carbide and Tungsten PTFE elastomer Polypropylene IXEF Glass fibre Ceramics Aluminium Tit...

Page 12: ...p ring the base support and the paint hose 3 1 Functions available on spray gun The switch Item1 allows to start or to cut the high voltage When this switch is on the position I an action on the trigg...

Page 13: ...ternal faults of the control module If this fault can not resetted the problem requires the intervention of the repair department contact Sames Technologies 1 Maintenance indicator light 2 Indicator l...

Page 14: ...e Bad functioning of the high voltage unit Maintenance indicator light This indicator light ignites orange from 800000 operations of the trigger or at the 1000 hours of functioning of the gun see 10 1...

Page 15: ...m 37 cm Air flow rate Nm3 h 6 6 16 8 7 8 16 8 9 4 22 5 10 3 25 2 Sound pressure 93 8 dB A 93 8 dB A 93 8 dB A 98 6 dB A Recommended paint viscosity measured with AFNOR Cup 4 14 to 50 s Dimensions 273...

Page 16: ...neral Weight 1 7 kg Dimensions Diameter 168 mm Height 91 mm Operating temperature 0 40 C GNM 6080 Input Voltage 88 264 V AC Frequency 50 60 Hz Max current 0 25 A Max power 25 V A GNM 6080 output Volta...

Page 17: ...are fitted with a magnetic sensor which detects the position of the trigger This sensor allows to supply the high voltage as soon as the air valve of air moves back of a value between 1 and 1 8 mm The...

Page 18: ...973 Disassembly Reassembly tool for flat nozzle option 1 Part number Description Qty Unit of sale H1GMIN017 White vaseline 100ml 1 1 H1GSYN037 Red dielectric lubricant for high voltage cascade and nee...

Page 19: ...Facom Sames P N 240000095 Open ended spanners 5 5 5 15 17 18 21 24 27 mm Socket wrench socket diameters 4 Flat nose pliers Cutting pliers Part number Description Qty Unit of sale 444239 JR06 diffuser...

Page 20: ...2 Tighten the ring of the nozzle support 3 Tighten the fitted low pressure nozzle assembly round spray 4 Tighten the injector Dia 6 and 8 mm onto the air cap round spray 5 Tighten the injector Dia 12...

Page 21: ...1 and the pump air supply must be fitted with a safety valve limiting pressure to 6 5 bar max 1 General air supply 2 Air filter 3 Main air valve 4 Pump air shut off valve 5 Air pressure regulator 6 S...

Page 22: ...ically grounded 1 Part to be painted 2 NANOGUN MV Spray Gun 3 Single phase mains 220 V 50 Hz ground or 115 V ground 4 Air pressure regulator 0 6 bar 50 m0 3 h for adjusting the spraying air 5 Compress...

Page 23: ...tank and the paint filter if it is metal must always be electrically grounded 1 Part to be painted 2 NANOGUN MV Spray Gun 3 Single phase mains 220 V 50 Hz ground or 115 V ground 4 Air pressure regulat...

Page 24: ...resistivity is suitable for the NANOGUN MV spray gun model that you are using Optimum resistivity ranges from 0 5 to 500 M cm Low resistivity promotes a good wraparound effect but there may be back s...

Page 25: ...1 5 2 6 3 1 Air compressed flow in Nm3 h 10 3 15 8 19 4 25 2 30 Air compressed pressure in bar 1 4 2 4 3 1 4 2 6 Widthofspray incm 11 24 35 37 37 Finishing Good Good Good Good Average Round spray nozz...

Page 26: ...Finishing Good Good Good Good Average Round spray nozzle 6 mm Paint flow in cc mn The use of a 6 mm injector to spray a viscous product is not advised Only ones of the tests of spraying allow to dete...

Page 27: ...shing Good Good Good Good Round spray nozzle 6 mm Paint flow in cc mn The use of a 6 mm injector to spray a viscous product is not advised Only ones of the tests of spraying allow to determine the val...

Page 28: ...bidden to leave air or paint hoses trailing on the floor or in areas where they are liable to be crushed or broken by industrial vehicles It is forbidden to use the NANOGUN MV to spray a liquid other...

Page 29: ...ring Seal cartridge J3STKL005 1 3 months O ring chemically inert J3STKL032 1 6 months O ring FEP viton J2FENV435 1 12 months O ring chemically inert J3STKL078 1 12 months O ring chemically inert J3STK...

Page 30: ...opneumatic coupling Step 1 Remove paint hose Loosen the paint hose nut with a 15mm open ended spanner Step 2 Unscrew the fitting nut of the 7 10 polyurethane air hose with an open ended spanner of 16...

Page 31: ...stop loosening manually by maintaining the nut of bottom Step 4 Check that the seal of the paint nut is in place Check that the two olives P N 910018200 are installed on the paint hose they can be los...

Page 32: the bracket Step 2 Using a 21mm open ended spanner loosen the upper paint hose nut Unscrew the nut whilst rotating the hose To reassemble tighten the lower paint hose nut until it stops Position th...

Page 33: ...hand then remove the air cap Step 2 Unscrew the nozzle assembly and the nozzle support nut using the multipurpose spanner Step 3 Remove the nozzle support pulling it in a direction parallel to the bar...

Page 34: ...cartridge is inserted in the correct orientation white seal facing outwards Push the cartridge until it clips into the barrel Coat the white seal and the anti extrusion ring with a fine layer of vasel...

Page 35: ...or 5 reassemblies add some red dielectric grease Ref H1GSYN037 in the passage channel in the barrel 10 7 Switch Step 1 With a 5 5 mm screwdriver unscrew the shouldered screw Pull upwards the lever of...

Page 36: ...of the trigger on its shoulder then slide the other side into its housing 10 9 Air valve Step 1 Remove the paint needle see 10 6 page 35 Step 2 Unscrew the air valve stop nut using a 18 mm open ended...

Page 37: ...he air valve but they can be destroyed The conical seal must be pushed up to its click and ratchet work on the body of the air valve by taking care not to damage its conical reach Level 2 If the valve...

Page 38: ...on of the sensor reed proceed step by step don t add several washers at the same time WARNING Various thicknesses of washers can be in position begin always to add or remove the finest 10 9 1 1 Direct...

Page 39: ...cts towards the back Step 4 Remove the high voltage contact in front of the barrel see 10 5 page 34 Withdraw the high voltage unit WARNING Attention with the colors terminal 1 black terminal 2 green t...

Page 40: ...f the high voltage unit pull carefully the contacts towards the back Step 4 Replace the o rings of the air ducts and the air valve Step 3 not obligatory Remove and replace the three o rings Step 5 Rep...

Page 41: ...eal should be replaced every 12 months Step 5 Push the electrical connector to release it and remove from the base Replace the seal of the connector every 12 months Step 6 Replacement of the base unsc...

Page 42: ...teristics of the switch 0 5 A maxi 24 VAC DC maxi A Pink Primary transformer HVU 3 B Shield C White REED sensor trigger D Yellow Dallas chip E Brown 0V commun puce reed F Third shield G Green Primary...

Page 43: ...h an appropriate solvent see 2 4 page 10 Step 4 Depressurise the spray gun paint circuit Step 5 Dry the spray gun air cap with a soft dry lint free cloth Step 6 Unscrew the spray gun air cap ring and...

Page 44: ...28 Plastics charged with fibers titanium 2 Plastics and stainless steel 5 22 Chemically inert rubber 3 Brass 26 Polyethylene and stainless steel Barrel area 14 29 Plastic charged glass fiber 8 19 Stai...

Page 45: ...components plastic copper 19 Stainless steel 27 Plastic charged glass fiber magnet iron Area base plate of handle connection towards the control module 13 Aluminium 11 20 42 43 44 Stainless steel 7 3...

Page 46: board Electric and electronic components printed circuit ROHs 5 Rear metal sheet and fastening screw Steel 6 Connector board Electric and electronic components printed circuit ROHs 7 Electric power...

Page 47: ...Needle is obstructed and cannot close Remove nozzle tip holder and clean holder and seat Clean needle tip Worn needle Replace needle and if necessary the nozzle tip holder Nozzle tip holder damaged Re...

Page 48: ...Spray from between 200 and 300 mm away Part not grounded Clean hooks Check grounding connection of parts conveyor Excessive ventilation Reduce paint booth air extraction rate ensuring the applicable...

Page 49: C March 2016 49 7105 13 Spare Parts 13 1 NANOGUN MV spray guns low pressure for high resistivity HR solvent paint 10M cm DES05940 1 4 5 6 1 3 2 Round Spray Versions JR 06 JR 08 JR 12 Fan Spray...

Page 50: ...cap ring see 13 6 page 56 1 1 3 2 900010503 Super vortex cap 1 1 3 3 910003847 JR08 Round spray nozzle see 13 8 page 57 1 1 1 Not shown 050123306 M1 2 JIC adapter F3 8NPS paint hose 1 1 3 Item Part n...

Page 51: ...ption Qty Unit of sale Spare Part Level 910017190 075 NANOGUN MV JR 08 LP LR hose length 7 5 m 1 1 Part number Description Qty Unit of sale Spare Part Level 910017190 150 NANOGUN MV JR 08 LP LR hose l...

Page 52: ...Index revision C March 2016 52 7105 13 3 NANOGUN MV spray guns all versions DES05946 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 18 19 20 21 14 15 22 23 15 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8 31 32 33 11 16 17 9...

Page 53: ...ecuring handle barrel 4 1 3 15 J4BRND039 Fiber seal for securing screw 6 1 3 16 160000041 O ring chemically inert included in item 6 1 1 1 17 160000067 O ring FKM red included in item 6 1 1 1 18 91001...

Page 54: ...0018202 Barrel assembly 1 1 3 1 1407354 HV contact 1 1 1 2 J2CRAN031 Sealing ring of contact 1 1 1 3 J3STKL002 O ring chemically inert 1 1 1 4 910014338 Seal cartridge 1 1 1 5 J3STKL005 O ring chemica...

Page 55: In case of loss of the magnet contact Sames Technologies Item Part number Description Qty Unit of sale Spare Part Level 910018203 Air valve 1 1 3 1 900010256 Sealing ring 1 1 1 2 J3STKL005 O ring c...

Page 56: maintenance Level 2 Corrective maintenance Level 3 Exceptional maintenance Item Part number Description Qty Unit of sale Spare Part Level 910015921 Air cap ring 1 1 3 1 900010497 Slide ring 1 1 3 2...

Page 57: ...1 2 1305211 Vortex Nozzle 1 1 1 3 448110 Electrode included in item1 1 10 1 Item Part number Description Qty Unit of sale Spare Part Level 910003847 JR08 Nozzle assembly 1 1 1 1 455235 Injector Calib...

Page 58: Level 910018219 Needle assembly 1 1 3 1 X4KEHU003 H M3 U nut 1 1 3 Item Part number Description Qty Unit of sale Spare Part Level 910015869 100 HR LR 10m Electropneumatic coupling 1 1 3 910015869...

Page 59: ...s 1 910017065 075 HR LP product hose 7 5m black Dia 6 1 1 1 910017065 150 HR LP product hose 15m black Dia 6 1 1 1 2 050123306 M1 2 JIC adapter F3 8NPS 1 1 2 3 910018201 Paint hose equipped Dia 4 mm 1...

Page 60: ...evel 2 Corrective maintenance Level 3 Exceptional maintenance Item Part number Description Qty Unit of sale Spare Part Level 910017193 CE GNM 6080 control module 1 1 3 910017192 CSA GNM 6080 control m...

Page 61: ...n as standard Before installation of low pressure models you are advised to replace the screen nr 6 from the initial design with a screen nr 12 With LR models it is necessary ro remove the fitting F 3...

Page 62: ...als beton of een metalen rooster Schakel de bedieningsmodule uit voor alle onderhoudshandelingen vooral bij reiniging van de loop of de beschermkap en bij spoeling van het verfcircuit met de reiniging...

Page 63: ...MV LP HR JR 8 LG7 5 EU 910017224 072 E NANOGUN MV LP HR JR 8 LG7 5 US 910017224 15 E NANOGUN MV LP HR JR 8 LG15 EU 910017224 152 E NANOGUN MV LP HR JR 8 LG15 US 910017741 07 E NANOGUN MV LP HR JR 12 L...

Page 64: ...10017223 07 X X X X Equipment NANOGUN MV LP HR JP LG 15 EU 910017223 15 X X X X Equipment NANOGUN MV LP HR JR8 LG 7 5 EU 910017224 07 X X X X Equipment NANOGUN MV LP HR JR8 LG 15 EU 910017224 15 X X X...
