Doc.-ID: 180528-PT08BA-SS-ExCam XPT-Q6055_en_rev.00.docx, Page 24 of 28
Network access and visualization
The most important procedures of the first starting up the camera are described below.
The configuration menu of the web surface allows an intuitive navigation and offers sev-
eral configuration possibilities. For detailed documentation and information how to use
the web Interface, please see the User Manual for Axis or visit the following website:
At delivery, the ExCam XPT Q6055 is set to the applicable net frequency (50Hz or 60Hz).
If the camera is used at a location with a differing net frequency, a flickering of the picture
might be noticeable, particularly in surroundings with fluorescent tubes. In such a case,
the applicable settings have to be carried out within the menu “System Options > Ad-
vanced > Plain Config”.
Password: root
Browser Support
A list of the currently supported web browsers, operating systems, required add-ons, etc.
can be viewed at:
Assigning the IP address
The ExCam XPT Q6055 is intended for use in an Ethernet network and requires an IP
address to access and control it. In the most today’s networks, a DHCP server is inte-
grated. This server automatically assigns an IP address.
If there is no DHCP server ava
ilable in the network, the ExCam IP’s default address is
“” (subnet masking