status indicatoR liGHt and sounds
Twinkles Blue (slowly)
The robot will not clean until the Back-Up
Battery is properly charged.
Flashes Blue (quicker) The robot is powered ON and ready to be
placed on the glass.
Solid Blue
The robot has successfully adhered itself to
the glass and is ready to clean.
Flashes Red
The robot power connection has a problem
or the vacuum is not good enough. Please
refer to section “Troubleshooting”.
Malfunction Possible Causes
S t a t u s
Indicator light
flashes RED
I n t e r r u p t i o n
of electricity
while The robot
was cleaning
due to power
failure, plug
displacement, or
loose Connection
to the Power
A. Connect The robot to the Power
Adapter and plug into the wall
outlet. Press Start/Pause button
on The robot or on the Remote
Control. The robot will resume
B. In case of power failure, and
the above solution does not work,
please use The Direction Stick on
the Remote Control to direct The
robot to a position on the Window
where you cansafely reach it, turn
off the fan and remove it from the
window. If power has resumed,
place The robot on the window
again and rest art.
It is risky to use
direction stick command unit,
please make sure there is always
people standby the product.