Operating manual
Rear- side flail mowers on a pantograph
KBRP ; Kangu
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Fig. 5.
Shaft lubrication instructions
Fig. 6.
Shaft lubrication instructions
PTO shaft lubrication frequency must be respected. Points shown in
shall be lubricated every 50 hours. PTO shaft shall also be
lubricated prior to and after period of longer idleness.
PTO shafts of other brands with equivalent technical parameters may be used on the SaMASZ
Flail knives applicable in mowers KBRP and Kangu
In order to provide proper operation of mower flails need to be replaced once they are worn.
Corresponding symbol of flail knife can be found in mower's catalogue of parts.
Knives which can be mounted in SaMASZ mowers are provided in table below.