Assembly of rotor & Pump assembly
Before assembling parts of the rotor, the bearings and the pump casing ascertain
that all surfaces are absolutely clean and without any dust particles. Before
mounting check that shaft run out value of 0.03 mm.
The parts should be as assembled in the following sequence.
1.Check the impeller vanes direction (P. no. 234) & along with wear rings fix on
the shaft( P. no. 211).
2.Fix the sleeves (P. no. 524) with O-ring ( 412) at the both side of impeller.
3.Fix the sleeves nuts with hand tight (to be tightened after positioning the
impeller at the bottom casing).
4.Insert the thrower and inner bearing covers along with oil seals to both the shaft
5.Fix the bearing spacer and bearings on the NDE side shaft in back to back
arrangement, bearing nut to be tightened on the bearing & locked with the shaft.
6.Fix the bearing on the DE side shaft and oil sleeve to be tightened with shaft
(set screw available in sleeve)Fix the casing wear rings in the bottom casing &
Insert the bearing housings on the bearings.
7.Fix the oil rings and insert the inner & outer bearing covers ( oil seal also fitted
in DE side) to bearing housing.
8.The complete set of rotating assembly to be placed with bottom casing ,
bearing housings should be carefully placed on locating pin. Tight the bearing
housing/ casing joint bolts.
9.Check the casing wear ring positions there is a locating pin available in the
casing/wear ring.
10.Check the impeller position if its touch with casing then to adjust the impeller
with help of sleeve lock nuts. After positioning the impeller the sleeve lock nut to
be tightened along with grub screw.
11.Fix the gasket on the bottom casing , mount the top casing , fit the casing
steady pin in that location. Top and bottom casing half’s with help of casing
joining bolts. Check the pump hand free rotation.
12.Fix the gland packings and lantern rings. After that split gland to be fitted with
pump. Connect the auxiliary pipings .
13.If bearing housing positioning bolts is available in the pump the special care to
be taken for adjusting the complete rotor set.
Shaft part No 6, Key-Impeller part No . 32, Impeller part No . 2 & With impeller
rings part No.8 in AB model, casing wear ring 7 in AD model and part no. 7&7A in
TU model pump.
15.When mounting the impeller, pay attention to the direction of rotation of the
entry of blade. Shaft Sleeve ( with Sleeve nut part(no.20&20A) have
right-hand & left-hand thread