Please note that in time - due to wear of the mill-stones -the fine and thereby the normal settings
too will change in a clockwise direction.
Testing the Humidity of the Grain:
Before filling the grain into the input funnel, please check that the grain is dry enough for the
milling process. We recommend the following test procedure:
Place a few grain kernels onto a hard surface and try to divide them using a knife that is not
over sharp. Should the kernels break apart, the grain is ready for milling; if you can cut them
like bread, the grain is too moist.
A safer and more objective method of testing the state of the grain to be milled is to use a
hygrometer. Grain stored at a humidity of up to 70%r.F. can still be processed with a normal
setting. If stored in places where the humidity is higher than 70%r.F. milling can cause
problems (the mill-stores become smeared).
Please note: Grain is hygroscopic causing it to absorb moisture within a few hours,
respectively emit it again. When processing wholemeal grouts the moisture content is of no
When using dry grain and milling at a normal, ambient temperature our Salzburger Grain
Mill AM 3 is suitable for continuous operation. It is fitted with a robust industrial motor. Only
an industrial motor is constructed in all components with the highest quality standards.
applying thicker copper coiling, longer lamination bundles, larger ball bearings, improved
isolation by use of cooling fins and a more stabile construction design the industrial motor
clearly differs from the conventional motor. A limited working time may, however, be called
for when milling moist grain or when an all too fine milling process has been chosen.
Our AM 3 mill is protected against overloading by means of an over-current cut-out switch.
Whenever the power input is increased due to inadmissibly high loading, after a short time
the cut-out switch turns the motor off.
Overloading occurs due to:
smearing of the mill-stones due to moist grain
blocking of the motor (smearing of mill-stones or foreign particles in the grain)
blocking of the motor at start-up caused by grain kernels in the feed grooves