Document Reference: ENG-UMAN-000730
Revision: 6.00
Page 11 of 40
CLS migration, which may result in pain or difficulty in charging.
Seroma or hematoma at surgery sites.
Epidural hemorrhage, spinal cord injury and possible paralysis.
Lead migration from the location chosen at initial implantation resulting in
stimulation changes.
Breakage of the lead or failure of other system components, which may result in loss
of stimulation.
Rejection of, or allergic reaction to, the implanted components.
Infection that may require hospitalization with intravenous antibiotic therapy.
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage.
Inadequate pain relief following system implantation.
Erosion of the lead, or CLS through the skin.
Weakness, clumsiness, numbness or pain below the level of lead implantation.
The patient may require surgery (including revision, explant and replacement) as a result of
any of the above.