After 30 seconds, the inverter and rectifier of the UPS or each
UPS will start up, but there will not be output voltage, because
the switch
of the equipment or each equipment is/are not
turned «on», even the panel ones too.
In parallel systems, the first UPS started up will be set as «Parallel
Master Bypass», then the one that has the highest address as
«Parallel Slave Bypass Reserve» and the rest ones, if any, as «Par-
allel Slave Bypass». Obviously, in parallel systems of two equip-
ments there will not be «Parallel Slave Bypass».
To see the hierarchy of each UPS of the parallel system,
proceed as follows:
Press over the
icon located in the side menu of the
main selected UPS screen. A screen like Fig. 40a will be
displayed, where the shown information can differ.
Status - Control
Rated Values
Serial Number
DSP SW Version
MCU SW Version
Unit Status
BM628 / Screen
Ver. 4.5 J
V. C 5.0 Y
010 / 10
Board ID
Output Status
Parallel Unit Status
Voltage Master
Fig. 40a
Screen displayed when touching over
The information screen will be displayed. In this screen the
UPS hierarchy can be checked under the statement «Par-
allel Unit Status» and in Fig. 40a it is shown as a «Parallel
Master Voltage» example. It is necessary to go to the in-
formation menu of the touch screen of each UPS, in order
to check its hierarchy as regards to the rest of the system,
which is dynamic depending on the status of the rest of the
«Parallel Master Bypass» Bypass Master of the parallel
system. By default, it is the first UPS starts up the in-
verter by means of the established procedure.
«Parallel Slave Bypass Reserve» Reserve Bypass. Initially
corresponds to the highest address less the one already
used for «Master Bypass». In case of Master failure, it
will take its functions.
«Parallel Slave Bypass» Bypass Slave of a parallel system (for
systems based on two equipments only). It will be erected
as «Slave Bypass Reserve», when it becomes «Master By-
pass». In systems with more than three equipments in par-
allel, the «Slave Bypass Reserve» hierarchy will be set to the
highest address among the «Slave Bypass» equipments.
«Parallel Master Voltage» Voltage Master of the parallel
system. By default, the first UPS on normal mode oper-
ating (inverter running), that the output switch
been turned «On».
«Parallel Slave Voltage Reserve» Voltage Slave Reserve of
the parallel system. Equipment on normal mode operating
(inverter running), that the output switch
has been
turned «On» in 2nd place or later (after the «Parallel Master
Voltage» or «Parallel Master Voltage Reserve»). Initially, it
corresponds to the equipment with the highest address ex-
cluding the one with the «Master Voltage» function. In case
of Master failure, it will take its functions.
«Parallel Slave Voltage» Voltage Slave of the parallel
system (systems with more than two equipments only).
Equipment on normal mode operating (inverter running),
that the output switch
has been turned «On» in
2nd place or later (after the «Parallel Master Voltage»
or «Parallel Master Voltage Reserve»). It will be erected
as «Slave Voltage Reserve», when it becomes «Master
Voltage». In systems with more than three equipments
in parallel, the «Slave Voltage Reserve» hierarchy will be
done by the highest address among the «Slave Voltage»
In the information screen quoted previously, there other par-
ticular data of the UPS, which are totally unconnected from
its belonging to parallel systems or not like the serial number,
driver versions, electronic card versions and their ID, irrelevant
data for those tasks related with the start up.
In the same screen, there are other additional data under the
statements as «Unit status» and «Output status», being them
for information only.
Turn the output switch or switches from the panel to «On», de-
pending if it is a single equipment or parallel system.
Turn the output switch
of the UPS or UPSs to «On».
The equipment or parallel system will supply output voltage to
the protection panel.
For equipments with external battery cabinets, turn the fuse-
holder switch of the battery cabinet/s
of each UPS to «On».
DO NOT TRY to make this manoeuvring at any
other moment and/or in any other way, because it
could damage the equipment and/or cause accidents.
When the rectifier is in operation completely, an equalising pro-
cess will be started (the DC bus voltage will be equalised with
the battery voltage).
After a few seconds (depending on the level of the batteries),
the main menu will display the «Alarm» icon
in red colour
with the acoustic alarm triggered.
Touch over the «Alarm» icon
Check that in the alarm list, the message «Battery switch
opened: Close it» can be found.
Touch over the «Alarm acknowledgement» icon
to acknowledge it and silent it.
This alarm message means that the equalising process has been
finished and IN THIS MOMENT ONLY the battery switch or bat-
tery protection or both elements can be turned on:
Equipments with only one battery mechanism, either a
fuse-holder switch or battery switch and labelled in the il-
lustrations of this document as
. Turn it to «On».
Equipments with two battery mechanisms, fuse-holder
and isolator switch
First turn the battery fuse-holder switch
to «On».
Next, turn the battery isolator switch
to «On».
In parallel systems, repeat the process for each equipment.