Smarty 2X/3X V
This function is used to adjust the coefficients of the existing PID controllers. The number of coefficients depends on the system configuration. If the
system operation for any reasons is unstable (fluctuating), PID coefficients may be adjusted. We recommend this to be done by a specialist.
The function of manual control of components is designed to activate/deactivate the components manually. Components are controlled by digital and
analogue outputs. Analogue outputs are controlled in percentage, and digital output are controlled by “on/off”. By default, all components are attributed
“Auto” status which means that a component is controlled based on ventilation logic. Components are displayed by the system configuration. Settings
must be saved so that they remain the same after power loss.
The minimum unit consumption in stand-by mode is ensured only when all the manual control components are set to “Auto” position.
Prior to using the manual control function, it is recommended to activate the force shutdown function which blocks the ventilation logic functions.
This function may be useful, if you need to check whether everything is properly connected. Moreover, in the event of failure, certain component can
be activated so that the unit operates irrespective of sensors and protections. Of course, this method should be applied in exceptional cases until the
failure is rectified.
If an external (“Remote”) type of a temperature sensor is displayed, the sensor temperature may be indicated manually, and the values may be indi-
cated via the Modbus interface.
This function is used to monitor controller input and output values, versions of connected modules, system date and time, fan speeds, temperatures,
value, pressure, etc. The amount of information depends on the system configuration. This tool is designed for preventive maintenance of the
Temperature may be indicated for supply air or room temperature. The temperature can be maintained based on supply or extract air temperature. If
control by room temperature is selected, the function calculates the temperature to be supplied to maintain proper room temperature. Temperature is
limited based on supply air temperature permissible limits.
The ventilation unit is not designed to heat premises; therefore it is not necessary to use full capacity for low temperature differences as the compensa-
tion in percentage is provided for in this function. This parameter indicates a percentage part of the temperature difference (between the set point and
room temperature) to be compensated by this function. E.g. set point is 20°C, room temperature is 16°C, compensation is 50%, difference between
the indicated and existing temperatures is 20-16=4°C. Since 50% is compensated, then 4*50%=2°C, and when the received value is added to the set
point we get the required supply air temperature 2+20=22°C. As this temperature is within the supply air temperature protection limits, it is not limited.
In this case the system will maintain the supply air temperature at 22°C. The closer room temperature is to the set point (20°C), the closer required
supply air temperature is to 20°C.
It can be also too hot in the room, therefore this function is compensating in both directions (both heats and cools). The required (compensated) tem-
perature is displayed in the window “Monitoring” (“Required supply t.”). If it is displayed that the required temperature is equal to 0°C it means that the
supply air temperature maintenance is switched off.
The supply air temperature is maintained by the following components (in a sequential order as indicated):
• Fans (if too hot the speed is decreased)
• Cooler
• Recirculation damper (in case of favourable outdoor air temperature)
• Bypass damper (in case of favourable outdoor air temperature)
• Heater
• Fans (if too cold the speed is decreased)
The system first of all tries to maintain the supply air temperature by means of a heat exchanger. If plate heat exchanger is used, the bypass damper is
used. The heat exchanger can both cool and heat with respect to outdoor and room air temperatures. The heat exchanger is controlled based on PID
controller assigned to it. When the heat exchanger operates at full capacity and required temperature is not reached, the recirculation damper, then
the heater or cooler is activated (if necessary) etc. Only the components configured for temperature maintenance are activated. From one component
to another one the system switches over in 60 seconds.
This function is designed to limit the supply air temperature. The minimum and maximum supply air temperatures are indicated for the function as well
as permissible time and protection actions (display only an alarm or shut down the unit). This function limits supply air temperature set by the user
and other functions. If the temperature is controlled based on room temperature, this function does not allow supplying warmer or cooler air than that
indicated in the protection.
If the system fails to maintain the right temperature, i.e. supply air temperature remains outside the limits for an indicated period of time, the unit is shut
down (if indicated) and alarm is displayed. By default, the minimum permissible supply air temperature is 16.5°C, maximum temperature is 40.0°C.
This function is designed to activate the preferred system mode by means of an external contactor. The function indicates a type of a signal to be sent
to the input.
Possible types of signals:
Not used
This function is designed to protect the system against the impermissible unit shutdown. It is recommended to limit the unit shutdown up to 1 hour
within 12 hours during the winter period. Possible function modes:
• Always allow shutdown
• Block shutdown
• Block shutdown during winter period
• Block shutdown during summer period
It must be indicated for the function for how long the switch-off is permissible within 12 hours. If the switch-off is blocked and the system is shut down,
the system counts the time and informs the user on the remaining time.
If the time has expired and stand-by mode is blocked, the user is informed by the function indication.