NZFS 15-15-8000 VisualPet User’s Manual
Iss: VPetNZFS 06/09
Sea Air & Land Communications Ltd.
Page 23 of 23
By removing selected // from the code between else and end if decoding options for ALL TNPP data can be
Remove the // from
“route "","TnppOut","…”
and ALL TNPP message will be sent to the transmitter.
Remove the // from the
lines and ALL TNPP messages will be displayed
Remove the // from the
“date =..”
and the
lines and ALL TNPP messages will be logged.
Once editing is finished click the series of “
” buttons to get back to the main window.
To return the script to decode only valid VP Router contacts reopen the script and add the “//” to the front of
the script code lines, clicking the series of “OK” buttons to return to the main window.