NZFS 15-15-8000 VisualPet User’s Manual
Iss: VPetNZFS 06/09
Sea Air & Land Communications Ltd.
Page 22 of 23
VisualPet Decode ALL script
The script on the following page controls how VP Router handles inbound TNPP Packets from Sky.
The script has settings that allow ALL TNPP messages to be transmitted by the 15-15-5000
(excluding the periodic test message). This can be used for testing purposes.
To access the script double click the “SkyDecode” protocol in the Router window.
From the menu double click the “OnTranslate” option to view / edit the script below:
string time, date
sys_time = now()
time = timestr(sys_time)
date = datestr(sys_time,"dd-mm-yyyy")
// watch for the periodic ric, send to the transmitter and update the main display
if contact = "1234567"
route "","TnppOut","","",message,"contact="+contact
pages["Main"].controls["periodic"] = date +" " +time +" " +message
pages["Main"].controls["periodic"].fontcolour = "Green"
periodic = 0
end if
// check if the contact received is in vpet, if so send the contact the message
// save the message into the daily log file.
if contactexists(contact)
route contact,source,device,code,message
date = date + ".txt"
appendfile date,time +" " +c" " +mchr(10)
// the code below allows optional transmitting, displaying, printing or logging of ALL NZFS
// sky paging messages received by the sky decoder.
// uncomment the sections of code required by removing the // from the front of the code lines
// see manual for further detail.
// ignore the periodic ric
if contact <> "1234567"
// send message to transmitter ?
// route "","TnppOut","","",message,"contact="+contact
// display message on fron screen ?
// pages["Main"].controls["messages4"] = pages["Main"].controls["messages3"]
// pages["Main"].controls["messages3"] = pages["Main"].controls["messages2"]
// pages["Main"].controls["messages2"] = pages["Main"].controls["messages"]
// pages["Main"].controls["messages"] = message
// pages["Main"].controls["ric3"] = pages["Main"].controls["ric2"]
// pages["Main"].controls["ric2"] = pages["Main"].controls["ric1"]
// pages["Main"].controls["ric1"] = pages["Main"].controls["ric"]
// pages["Main"].controls["ric"] = c" "+time +" " +date
// send message to printer ?
// route "","Printer","","",message,"contact="+contact
// save message to log file ?
// date = date + ".txt"
// appendfile date,time +" " +c" " +mchr(10)
end if
end if
//route contact,source,device,code,message