Sakura Multi-Function Rice Cooker by Yum Asia
Here are a couple of recipes to start you off with your new rice cooker. For lots more recipes like flavoured rice
(Mexican and coconut rice), risotto, stews, soups and more, please see our foodie blog at
Ingredients (serves 4)
1 cup steel cut or rolled oats
1 cup water
1 cup half cream & half milk (or 1 cup of milk or water – whatever you prefer)
3-4 spoons (or more to your own taste) honey or brown sugar
* You may need to experiment with the amounts of oats and water, depending on whether you like thick or thin oat
1. Place oats and water in the inner cooking pan.
2. Place the inner cooking pan in the main body of the rice cooker, plug in the unit, select the “Porridge” setting and
press and hold the “START” button to start.
3. When the rice cooker turns to “Keep Warm,” open the lid, stir and add the remaining ingredients. Using the Timer
function and soaking the oats overnight will help soften the texture.
4. Add any dried or fresh fruit to the porridge instead of sugar – delicious and healthy on a cold winter’s day!!
NOTE: Do not use the Timer function when cooking with milk or other dairy products, as they may spoil.
Ingredients (4-5 servings)
3 cups of rice
For the sushi seasoning (vinegar mix) – 4 tbsp rice vinegar, 1 tbsp sugar, 1.5 tsp salt
Whatever topping you prefer (sashimi, prawns, pickles, natto, salmon roe, eel)
Seaweed, wasabi, soy sauce and pickled red ginger for garnish
1. Wash rice and place into inner bowl, add water (2.5 cups and use the ‘SHORT GRAIN’ menu option)
2. When the rice cooker turns to “Keep Warm,” place the rice in a wooden container (wiped with a clean, wet cloth)
and pour the vinegar mix over the rice, mixing whilst cooling with a fan
3. Hand rolled sushi is simple and quick, it’s just a case of wrapping your favourite ingredient with nori (seaweed)