Previous- play the previous song on the playlist.
Next- play the next song on the playlist.
Change the order of songs in your playlist
Change the order of the songs by using the arrows:
Move song up- move a selected song up in the
Move song down- move a selected song down in
the playlist.
Remove songs from playlist
Remove a selected song or a group of songs from the
1. Choose the song you wish to remove from the playlist.
(In order to select more then one song, press the CTRL
button and select the songs you wish to remove.)
2. Press the
“Remove song” button.
Note: The song is removed from the playlist but not from
your computer.
Song Properties
Modify song properties by adding Artist/Album/Genre
1. Click the
“Song properties” button, the properties
window will open.
2. Add any information you wish to add or modify and
press the OK button.
Rename an existing playlist
1. Choose the playlist you wish to rename.
2. Click the
“Rename playlist” button.
3. A dialogue box will appear; Insert the new name you
wish to give the playlist and press OK.