Sununo Plus Series
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Chapter 2 Preparation
2.1 Safety Instructions
· There is possiblity of duing to electrical shock and high voltage.
· Do not touch the operating component of the inverter, or it might result in burning or death.
· To prevent risk of electric shock during installation and maintenance, please make sure that all AC
and DC terminals are plugged out.
· Do not touch the surface of the inverter while the housing is wet, or it might lead to electrical shock.
· Do not stay close to the inverter while there are severe weather conditions including storm, lighting,
· Before opening the housing, the SAJ inverter must be disconnected from the grid and PV generator;
you must wait for at least five minutes to let the energy storage capacitors fully be discharged after
disconnecting from power source.
·The installation,service, recycling and disposal of the inverters must be performed by qualified
personnel only in compliance with national and local standards and regulations.
·Any unauthorized actions including modification of product functionality of any form may cause lethal
hazard to the operator, third parties, the units or their property. SAJ is not responsible for the loss and
these warranty claims.
·The SAJ inverter must only be operated with PV generator. Do not connect any other source of energy
to the SAJ inverter.
·Be sure that the PV generator and inverter are well grounded in order to protect
safety of people’s
life and property
· The PV inverter will become hot during operation. Please do not touch the heat sink or peripheral
surface during or shortly after operation.
·Risk of damage due to improper modifications.
·Public utility only.
·The PV inverter is designed to feed AC power directly to the public utility power grid; do not connect
AC output of the inverter to any private AC equipment.