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6.2.3 Remote monitoring
1. Connect the internet via the eSolar GPRS/4G module, and upload the inverter
data onto the server and customers could monitor running information of the
inverter remotely via the eSolar Web Portal or their mobile customer terminals.
2. Connect the internet via the eSolar WiFi module, and upload the inverter data
onto the server and customers could monitor running information of the inverter
remotely via the eSolar Web Portal or their mobile customer terminals.
6.3 Setting Reactive Power Control
6.3.1 Setup Fixed Power Factor mode
The characteristic power factor curve for cosφ (P) (Power response) mode varies the
displacement power factor of the output of the inverter in response to changes in the
output power of the inverter.
The response curve required for the cosφ (P) defined within displacement power
factor of 0.8 leading to 0.8 lagging.
6.3.2 Setup V-Watt and Volt-Var mode
This inverter complies with IEC 62109-2 clause 6.3 for power quality response
modes. The inverter satisfies 14 different regions of DNSPs' grid connection rules
requirements for volt-watt and volt-var Settings. e.g.: AS4777 series setting as
below Fig 6.8&6.9.
Figure 6.8 Curve for a Volt-Watt response mode (AS4777 Series)