Part 6 - Troubleshooting
The USB cable is inserted correctly.
The USB Driver has been installed correctly.
The correct COM Port and a baud rate of 115200 are set in Candle.
The Offline Controller is not connected.
Ensure the On/Off switch on the motherboard is ON.
Verify the 24V external power supply is connected correctly.
The Emergency Stop Button is in the Out position.
The Stepper motor wiring is correct.
The Stepper motors are connected to the correct motherboard ports.
The cable connections for the limit switch.
The cable connections for the spindle motor.
The Spindle motor cable Red wire is connected to M+ on the spindle motor and the
Black wire to the M-.
The spindle is not too close to the edge of the axis.
Limit switch connections and cabling.
The bit is conductive and clean.
The Z-Probe connection to the motherboard is correct.
Adjust the Z-Probe base height in the Z-Probe code accordingly
Candle shows a Serial port error
message in the Console window
Candle can communicate with the
router but nothing moves.
Router is totally unresponsive to
An Axis does not move
The wrong Axis moves
Limit switch does not work
Spindle motor does not turn
Spindle motor turns but the LED
does not light
Limit switch LED stays on
Homing Cycle fails
Z-Probe fails
After running a Z-Probe the tip of the
bit is not level with the top of the bed
Hopefully everything works as expected, but if not: