A Brief Glossary
The aluminum base with slots to allow stock to be clamped to it. Moved by the Y axis.
Whatever material you secure to the bed and cut or engrave.
Geometric Code, the language of the commands that the router understands, ca be used for specific
commands or combined into a file (normally .nc) of instructions to make something.
A motor which turns in single steps or fractions of one (microsteps) These are used to drive the motion of
the axes as they can accurately move the axis by a very small amount at a time.
The tool holder on the Spindle motor is an ER11 type. The Collet is the compressible part that surrounds
the bit and is compressed, holding the bit, by tightening the nut at the bottom of the ER11.
The process by which the router moves the spindle round looking for the limit switches to be activated on
all the axes so that it has a defined ‘Home’ position.
The coordinates of the starting position for a particular job, each G-Code file operates in reference to an
origin which is often but not always the left/front/top (X/Y/Z) of the material to be cut.
A Jog command tells the machine to move on a single axis, normally used to either position the spindle
to the start position for a job or just to move it out of the way.
ER11 Collet