The Posi-Pin Safety Shear is a sacrificial pin that fits through a hole in the
balance wheel face and into a mating hole in the balance wheel bushing� It
locks these components together to operate the machine and power the needle�
Why Is the Posi-Pin So Important?
This revolutionary piece of sewing machine technology is patented by Sailrite
and can only be found on Sailrite sewing machines� Its main purpose is to prevent
internal damage in the event that the machine jams, the needle collides with
something impenetrable or a bind occurs� Turn to the next page to learn more about
how the Posi-Pin protects your Ultrafeed Sewing Machine�
What Is the Posi-Pin
Safety Shear?
Designed to Protect Your Machine
In the event of a bind or machine jam, the pin will break at the shear point (
), preventing the machine from operating,
when there is too much resistance on the machine� This prevents internal damage or misalignment� If the Posi-Pin
breaks, simply remove the broken pin, replace it with a new one and check the cap spring for damage (p� 38,
)� Then
install a new needle (p� 7) and verify that the needle bar height has not shifted (p� 45)� You can then continue sewing
without issue�
NOTE: When the Ultrafeed is not being used, remove the Posi-Pin and place it in the Posi-Pin Keeper (
) or the storage cubby
)� This is to prevent the compression shaft from enduring unnecessary deformity over time�
Scan to watch a
video on how the
Posi-Pin works�
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