Power on for the first time.
You have now successfully installed the Sailmon model | E4 Instrument system, If you power up model | E4 will
automatically select available sensors, If there is more then one sensor you need to select a sensor in Navdesk.
1. Download the Sailmon Apps from the App Store on your Smart device or from sailmon.com/support for
your PC.
2. Power the Sailmon instruments
3. Connect your computer or smart device directly to the E4, this can be done using a ethernet cable or with a
USB stick.
4. Open the apps to show data or use your system
5. To add model | E4 to your ships network disable the DHCP server and connect to the desired network.
6. For any more information please download the user guide from www.sailmon.com/support
Model | E4 Installation guide 1.0
copyright SAILMON BV 2016