Q1. Mobile Network for smartphone is necessary. What about in the overseas?
A : Mobile network, WiFi or Data roaming is required for your overseas usages.
Q2. The validity term of Magic TOK service?
A : Magic TOK is a translating service combined with Device and App. The 1-year service license is included in
the Device price. You can buy a 1-year extension license.(The App. payment menu will be provided soon.)
Q3. Do you have any plan for other languages?
A : Now Korean, English, Japanese and Chinese are available. We are going to phase more languages,
Vietnamese, European languages, etc., from 2017.
Q4. Quality is hard in a small noisy room?
A : Echoes by windows and walls in a small room make it hard for voice recognition. Please speak close to the
Device, that will be helpful for good recognition.
Q5. When I speak slowly to the device, suddenly hearing is stopped and translating begins.
A : Magic TOK consider a silence longer than 1 second as an end of sentence. Speaking a sentence at one go is
very helpful for the accurate translation because the ending point of recognition is very important for machine
Q6. Inaccuracy of voice recognition?
A : Accurate recognition depends on accurate pronunciation.
- Avoid to use the filled pauses such as uh, er, um.
- Avoid to use a broad dialect.
- Use complete sentences where possible.
Q7. Hard voice recognition at unique pronouns such as name, brand, terminology?
A : The translation Engine of Magic TOK is based on the Deep Learning technique of A.I or Artificial Intelligence.
Continuous DB updating is conducted for unique pronouns such as name, brand, terminology sequentially in
order of frequency so that can be improved gradually.
Q8. Hard voice recognition at my foreign language pronunciation?
A : Magic TOK voice recognition is set for native speakers’ pronunciation. The vocalization and intonation pattern
difference in each languages causes a bad recognition of your foreign language pronunciation. So, Magic
TOK is a good tool for your foreign language training.
Q9. Good at recognition but bad at translation?
A : Artificial Intelligence based Machine translation is progressing fast, but Machine translation is not perfect for
complex sentences, yet. We recommend to split a complex sentence like a conditional sentence into simple