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This device has been manufactured with rigorous 

precision, having been subjected to numerous 

controls before leaving the factory.
The GUARANTEE given is for 3 years as from the 

date of purchase, which will be indicated by the 

selling establishment in the place provided to this 

respect, together with its stamp.
Once the equipment has been received, please 

complete the guarantee form and send it to the 

manufacturer for validation.
This GUARANTEE covers any manufacturing 

defect, that will be remedied free of charge to the 

buyer.    However, it expressly excludes all such 

faults that may result from misuse of the 

equipment, such as incorrect connections, 

breakage due to falls or similar, normal wear of the 

components and in general any deficiency that is 

not attributable to the manufacturing of the device. 

Also the GUARANTEE shall be lost when it is 

evidenced that the device has been manipulated 

by personnel other than that of our Technical 

Assistance Service.

This GUARANTEE does not endorse the commit-

ments entered into with any person outside our 

Technical Service.
In the event of malfunction during the guarantee 

period, attach the duly completed guarantee 

certificate to the device and deliver it to the Techni-

cal Assistance Service outlet you prefer or 

otherwise contact our factory.
Any demands of more significance against the 

supplier and in particular compensation for 

damages and losses, are expressly excluded. 

This is similarly applicable to damages arising 

during the advisory phase, the acquisition of 

practice and the demonstration.
Any services provided under the guarantee shall 

not consequently prolong its duration.
No device will be serviced under guarantee that is 

not recorded in the files of SAGOLA S.A. of the 

attached duly completed guarantee certificate.
Technical modification rights reserved.


According to Directive 89/392/EEC, Annex II, Section, of 14 June 1989



Calle Urartea, 6 ·  01010 VITORIA-GASTEIZ  (Álava) · SPAIN

We declare that the product: 




PACK 6000X Air Heater 

Is in compliance with Standards 2006/95 EC, 2006/42 CS and 2004/108 EC

The complete technical documentation and the operating instructions of the product are available in 

the original language version, as well as in that of the Community languages of the users.

In Vitoria-Gasteiz, on 01/07/2011 






Enrique Sánchez Uriondo



Summary of Contents for 10780102

Page 1: ...m a n u a l d e i n s t r u c c i o n e s l i s t a d e r e p u e s t o s i n s t r u c t i o n m a n u a l l i s t o f s p a r e p a r t s...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...atura p g 7 8 5 Flujostato p g 7 8 6 C mara de aire fr o despresurizada p g 8 8 7 C mara de aire caliente presurizada p g 8 8 8 Manguera calefactada p g 8 9 Preinstalaci n p g 8 9 1 Ubicaci n p g 9 9...

Page 4: ...a empresa SAGOLA S A El equipo que tiene en su poder y dentro de la gama de productos SAGOLA pertenece a la familia de equipos que se utilizan para proyectar aire comprimido a trav s de una pistola pa...

Page 5: ...a encargada de calentar el aire El aire sube por la zona central de la C mara de aire caliente N 7 atravesando la propia resisten cia calent dose a la temperatura programada y saliendo por la tuber a...

Page 6: ...ija del enchufe o apagando el interruptor magnetot rmico de 2 polos 1P N en el cuadro el ctrico principal El equipo PACK 6000X AIR HEATER est fabricado conforme a la consecuci n de la seguri dad en su...

Page 7: ...EN MARCHA Posici n 1 OFF Equipo apagado completamente Posici n 2 ON Todos los circuitos activados 8 3 PILOTO INDICADOR PREPARADO El piloto Preparado N 3 indica al usuario que el equipo est en disposic...

Page 8: ...ncuentra herm ticamente cerrada y presurizada a la presi n de la red neum tica Aloja los siguientes elementos Resistencia 800W Fusible t rmico tarado a 216o C Funda de la resistencia para canalizar el...

Page 9: ...miento y rotura de la resistencia Preste mucha atenci n cuando realice trabajos de mantenimiento y reparaci n Antes de utilizar el equipo y por parte de su propietario deben verificarse las siguientes...

Page 10: ...antes t rmicos utilizados aseguran que las superficies exteriores del equipo se mantienen fr as durante su funcionamiento exceptuando el racor de salida de aire comprimido que se mantendr caliente La...

Page 11: ...ntales para calentar la manguera Inicie el trabajo Verifique el encendido y apaga do del piloto Preparado cuando se realicen paradas con corte de consumo de aire Preste especial atenci n al piloto Pre...

Page 12: ...ntes hasta 200o C para el manejo del equipo aunque trabaje con temperaturas inferio res para asegurar la salud y seguridad del operario en el caso de un eventual fallo del sensor de temperatura PARA T...

Page 13: ...tivas y caracter sticas ambientales espec ficas del Centro de trabajo y las Normativas vigentes Utilice guantes al manipular el producto ver recomendaciones del fabricante y al limpiar la pistola Si d...

Page 14: ...ra el comprador Sin embargo quedan expresamente excluidas todas aquellas aver as resultantes de un mal uso del equipo tales como conexiones incorrectas rotura por ca das similares desgas te normal de...

Page 15: 19 8 5 Flow meter page 19 8 6 Cold air chamber despressrised page 20 8 7 Hot air chamber pressurised page 20 8 8 Heated hose page 20 9 Preinstallation page 20 9 1 Location page 21 9 2 Connection...

Page 16: of the SAGOLA S A company The equipment you have purchased and within the SAGOLA product range belongs to the family of equipment used to project compressed air through a spray gun or as an applica...

Page 17: the air The air rises up through the central part of the hot air chamber No 7 going through the resistance and is then heated to the programmed temperatu re and is piped out where the temperature...

Page 18: ...tic air hoses Connect the equipment to a grounded power supply The total shunt resistance of the line must be 100 million ohms Carefully read and apply all the information instructions and safety meas...

Page 19: ...osition 1 OFF Equipment completely switched off Position 2 ON All circuits activated 8 3 READY PILOT LIGHT The Ready No 3 pilot light shows the user that the equipment is ready to operate and at the p...

Page 20: ...s hermetically closed and pressurised at the pressure of the air input Contains the following components 800W resistance Thermal fuse set to 216o C Cover of the resistance for channelling the air 8 8...

Page 21: ...rming maintenance and repair tasks Before using the equipment and by its owner the following safety measures must be verified Do not allowing access to the equipment of people without proper training...

Page 22: ...lation used ensure that the outer surfaces of the equipment are kept cold during operation with the exception of the compressed air coupling which will be kept hot The temperature of the outer surface...

Page 23: ...e environmental conditions to heat the hose Start working Check that the Ready pilot light turns on and off when stops are made with a cut off in air consumption Pay special attention to the Ready pil...

Page 24: ...for handling the equipment even though you may work at lower temperatures to ensure the health and safety of the operator in the event of an eventual malfunction of the tempe rature sensor FOR ALL TH...

Page 25: the specific regulations and environmental characteristics of the workplace and the current regulations Use gloves when handling the product see manufacturer s recommendations and when cleaning the...

Page 26: ...lfunction during the guarantee period attach the duly completed guarantee certificate to the device and deliver it to the Techni cal Assistance Service outlet you prefer or otherwise contact our facto...

Page 27: Kaufdatum Data de Compra Data di aacquisto E mail Tel Fax Sello Stamp Cachet Stempel Selo Timbro GUARANTEE C0NDITIONS CONDITIONS DE GARANTIE CONDICIONES DE GARANT A CONDI ES DA GARANTIA CONDIZIONI...

