3. Bluetooth (B/T)
B/T function enables you to play your music or any audio source from your B/T
source like Smart Phone, Personal Computer or any device with Bluetooth
Choose B/T by pressing B/T button from the remote or by rotating the front
source knob. Display window will show as below.
To pair AIO with the source device, choose Bluetooth from your device setting
and pair with AIO. AIO_**** will be your device name for Blutooth.
When properly setup, the following information will be displayed.
Choose you APP to play audio source (Music files, Youtube etc).
When you change SOURCE, B/T will be disconnected.
4. PC
AIO can be connected to your PC or Notebook to use them as a main music
player for normal format audio files as well as DSD or up to 384k/24bit files.
For McIntosh computers, there is no need for special driver to be installed before
using AIO as a superb high-resolution DAC/Amplifier.
But, for Windows computers, we need a special driver.
Please refer to Simon Audio Lab website to download Windows driver.
Download driver and install as guided.
Go to the setup menu of your playback software (jriver, foobar, Audiovana etc).
Mostly, menu named ‘PREFERENCE’, ‘SETUP’ contains driver selection menu.