Chapter 3: Wiring
Firmware – S1043
Revision: 2 (9/98)
© Saftronics, Inc.
Control Circuit Wiring Precautions
Separate control circuit wiring (Terminals 1 to 33) from main circuit wiring (Terminals L1, L2, and L3 (R, and S,
and T), B1, B2 , T1, T2, and T3 (U, V, and W),
2, and
3 and other high-power lines.
Separate wiring for control circuit Terminals 9, 10, 18, 19, and 20 (contact outputs) from wiring for Terminals 1 to
8, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 33 and 11 to 17.
Use twisted-pair or shielded twisted-pair cables for control circuits to prevent operating faults. Process cable ends
as shown in
Figure 3.21
Connect the shield wire to Terminal 12(G).
Insulate the shield with tape to prevent contact with other signal lines and equipment.
Figure 3.21
Processing the Ends of Twisted-Pair Cables
Wiring Check
Check all of the wiring after wiring has been completed. Do not perform a megger check on control circuits.
Is all wiring correct?
Have any wire clippings, screws, or other foreign material been left?
Are all screws tight?
Are any wire ends contacting other terminals?
Connect to shield
sheath terminal at
VG5 (Terminal 12)