The nickel-cadmium battery is the
most reliable battery system available
in the market today. Its unique
features enable it to be used in
applications and environments
untenable for other widely available
battery systems.
It is not surprising, therefore, that the
nickel-cadmium battery has become
an obvious first choice for users
looking for a reliable, long life,
low maintenance, system.
This manual details the design and
operating characteristics of the Saft
Nife pocket plate block battery to
enable a successful battery system
to be achieved. A battery which,
while retaining all the advantages
arising from nearly 100 years
of development of the pocket plate
technology, can be so worry free
that its only major maintenance
requirement is topping up with water.
For the valve-regulated and
photovoltaic pocket plate ranges,
Ultima and Sunica, specific technical
manuals are available which address
the particular characteristics of these
BlockBat 3/11/98 10:11 Page 6
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