mRO Series Evaluation Kit Manual, Rev 1
Page 8 of 16
There is a moving graph on the right of the main window, with a sliding time window equals to 3
minutes (180 seconds).
The Window size can be set between 10 and 600 seconds.
Window size
On this graph, nine parameters are presented. All presented data are in a range going from 0 to
MON Satom15 and MON Satom31 are samplings taken from the output of the photodiode
amplifier used to center the mRO on the Rb line. Both values must be in the same range.
MON IPHOT is the signal level output coming from the photodiode.
MON HLASER is the heating system’s level output, which drives the laser diode
MON HCELL is the heating system’s level output, which drives the Rubidium Cell
MON Laser VPIL is the power stage level output, which drives the laser diode.
MON Laser PIL is the laser diode voltage.
MON TPCB is the temperature of mRO.
PIL DAC VC for the mRO-50 is the 10 MHz TCXO voltage control input, which drives the
atomic clock.
PIL DAC VC/16 for the mRO-50 Ruggedized is the 10 MHz TCXO voltage control input,
which drives the atomic clock. It is divided by 16 for correct display in the graph.
All parameters presented on the graph can be toggled on and off by clicking on the corresponding
parameter label at the bottom of the graph pane, that the user needs to visualize or hide
Cell temperature window
This window shows 5 parameters:
Temperature: the setting point temperature of the Rubidium cell
Pil HCell: the hexadecimal value of Temperature
Photodiode: the current flowing through the Photodiode, which collects light going
through the Rubidium cell.
Heating Current: the current used by the heating system in order to warm the Rubidium
Heating Power: the total power dedicated to warm the Rubidium cell.
Cell temperature