mRO Series Evaluation Kit Manual, Rev 1
Page 13 of 16
Servo loop window
This box allows the user to open the 4 mains digitals loops of the mRO.
Servo loop
window for mRO-50 (left) and mRO-50 Ruggedized (right)
The Vcsel compensation loop can be opened without any condition, 10 minutes after power ON.
The Thermal compensation and PILPOLARAOP Thermal compensation loop can be opened
without any condition, 10 minutes after Power ON. The Atom loop can be opened without any
condition, 10 minutes after power ON. It is not recommended to open the Laser loop.
The Refresh button requests the status of the 4 mains digitals loops from the mRO.
Update of the mRO firmware
It is possible to erase and load a new firmware without erasing the data relative to the operating
mode of the mRO.
To do that open the Firmware update window and select the path to the new firmware.
Firmware update