Doc no: M18 Issue no: 07 Created: 24/08/2009
Appendix V.
Instructions for Filter Saturation Testing.
Several filters can be fitted into the AIRONE R Filtration Fume Cupboards:
(1) The ‘Filtrete’ pre-filter is the thin white layer which will filter out dust, smoke and mists. It
is located at the top of the working area. As the prefilter becomes clogged from dust,
aerosols and particles accumulating on its surface the face velocity of the air gradually
decreases. Prefilter replacement will be required more frequently than that of the main filter.
Replace prefilters at least once every 6 months.
(2) The ‘Main Filter’ options are:
(a) 1200, 1500 & 1800 units: Size ‘B’ - 15 kg in weight - 600mm x 450mm x 100 mm.
1000 unit: Size ‘RS’ - 19 kg in weight - 690mm x 490mmx 100 mm. Safelab Systems
activated/impregnated carbon filter for absorbing hazardous gases and vapours.
(b) 1200, 1500 & 1800 units: Size ‘B’ HEPA Filter.
1000 unit: Size ‘B’ HEPA Filter. (H-13 Grade) for removal of particulates to submicron
level - efficiency 99.995 % for particles down to 0.3 micron in diameter.
Regular filter-checks and monitoring - once a week is recommended - to test quality of the
air breathed in by operators and filtration efficiency. Filter-challenge tests can be carried out
during routine Service and Maintenance procedures once every 6 months - as described in
the Operational Safety Log-Book.
The recommended procedure for testing the efficiency of the system requires a GASTEC
Volumetric Detector Pump and Gastec Chemical Detector Tubes. Test the quality of air by
sampling at eye and mouth level at regular intervals - once a week - with Gastec tubes
calibrated for the particular compound in concentrations below its respective OEL
(Occupational Exposure Limit) MEL (Maximum Exposure Limit) or OES (Occupational
Exposure Standard (or MAK in Germany and/or TLV in the USA).
Please refer to the Chemical Listing, Adsorption Index and Gastec Detection Guide published
in our Operational Safety Log-Book.