3) Connecting to power
Connect the camera with indicated power supply and make sure it’s power-supplied.
2.2.2 PTZ Camera Connection
(For Selected Models Only)
The following description is taking our brand’s PTZ camera as an example.
For DVR setting to control the PTZ camera, please refer to “5.5 PTZ Camera Setting” at
page 23. For detailed PTZ camera control and operation, please refer to its own user
RJ11 cable
Red wire
Green wire
The RJ11 cable is not supplied in the sales package.
STEP 1: Get a RJ11 cable with the proper length to your connection.
Different RJ11 connector may have different wire layout, so the connection
might be different. If you cannot control the DVR after connection, please
reverse the RJ11 cable connection with the DVR.
STEP 2: Remove one end of the insulating coating of the RJ11 cable.
Remove one end of the insulating coating of the RJ11 cable to find the
RS485-A and the RS485-B wires, and remove the insulating coating to reveal
the naked wires for further connection.
STEP 3: Twist the RS485-A and RS485-B wires of the RJ11 cable and the speed
dome camera together.
Twist the RS485-A (red) and RS485-B (green) wires of the RJ11 cable to the
RS485-A (brown) and RS485-B (orange) wires of the speed dome camera. To
protect the naked wires, use the insulation tape to cover on the twisted wires.
STEP 4: Connect the other end of the RJ11 cable to DVR.
Solder the RS485-A (red) and RS485-B (green) wires of the RJ11 cable to the
corresponding pins on the solder side of the optional D-Sub connector.
Summary of Contents for SVD-I8
Page 1: ......
Page 42: ...REMOTE OPERATION 37 ...
Page 94: ... ጤᖙ 28 6 1 2 ࠫ ࣨ១տ ࠉᖕଡԳࠌ ش ክΔ ٥ ࠟڶ ጟ ࠫ ࣨ ࠎױ ᙇᖗΖ ១ ठ ቃ ...
Page 100: ... ጤᖙ 34 ...
Page 102: ... ጤᖙ 36 ԫ E MAP ᆢิ ڇ ᆢิ ټ ጠՂਊ ݶق ᙇ Δྥ ᙇᖗጓᒠ E MAP ࢨ ନ E MAPΖ ...
Page 128: ...DVR 䉕 䈜䉎೨䈮 9 11 DC 19V 䈘䉏䈢䉝䉻䊒䉺䊷䈮ធ 䈚䉁䈜䇯 12 㔚Ḯ 䇸 䇹䈪㔚Ḯ䈏 䉍䇮䇸 䇹䈪㔚Ḯ䈏ಾ䉏䉁䈜䇯 ...
Page 155: ...䊥䊝䊷䊃ᠲ 36 6 1 2 䉮䊮䊃䊨䊷䊦䊌䊈䊦䈱 ⷐ 2 䈧䈱䉮䊮䊃䊨䊷䊦䊌䊈䊦䈏 น 䈪䈅䉍䇮䈍 䈇䈱 ᘠ䈮ᔕ䈛䈩ಾ䉍ᦧ䈋䉎䈖䈫䈏 䈪䈐䉁䈜䇯 ᤃ䊋䊷䉳䊢䊮 䊂䊐䉤䊦䊃 ...
Page 161: ...䊥䊝䊷䊃ᠲ 42 ...
Page 164: ...䊥䊝䊷䊃ᠲ 45 ...
Page 345: ...OPERACIÓN REMOTA 42 ...
Page 406: ...FUNZIONAMENTO REMOTO 34 ...