Rear View Safety
Generally, to help drivers estimate the distance from obstacles, there are
three lines for reference- red, yellow, and green. Those three lines are dis-
played on the monitor when car is reversing. The green line is 10 feet from
the back of the car and the yellow line is 6.5 feet away. The distant red line
is 3.3 from the backside of car while the closed red line is 1.3 feet from the
car. Both reference lines on the left and right should leave 0.65 feet from
the car.
Grid Lines
9.9 feet
6.6 feet
3.3 feet
9.9 feet
6.6 feet
3.3 feet
1.3 feet
The accuracy of the grid-lines can vary based on how you angle your cam-
era. Therefore to compensate for inaccurancies, you can adjust the grid
lines to your camera angle.