Height ............................................................................................74,5 cm
Width ...........................................................................................64 cm
Depth .............................................................................................54 cm
Diameter of the outlet duct ..........................................................150 mm
Distance from ground to bottom part of the outlet duct .............52 cm
1. Important warnings
- The user of a stove must read the manual attentively before using
the appliance for the first time.
- If your stove has been installed in the living room, you must ensure
a sufficient supply of fresh air in any case.
- The appliance should only be used with closed doors.
- When the doors remain open once the stove in functioning, the
thermostat function is disabled and the inflow of air into the stove
is no longer being controlled.
The danger then arises that the stove will become too hot and
overheated, so that slag formation takes place and the parts
exposed to the flames are damaged.
The glass panel will become warped and glowing embers will burn
into the glass surface.
This kind of damage is not covered by the guarantee.
- Shut the stove doors and turn off the thermostat, even when the
stove is not in operation.
2. The connection of a stove
It is only when the appliance was connected by an authorised installer
that you can be certain that the installation and fire protection instructions
were observed.
The most important connection component is the chimney.
Make an appointment with a recognised chimneysweeper so that the
specific regulations applicable in the country of use in this regard, are
also complied with