Installation date
Allows the date that the appliance was installed to be set. Tap "Modify" to set the date.
Contacts Information
Allows the contact information (name and phone number) of technical support to be
entered that should be contacted in case of breakdown.
This information will be displayed should a fault occur.
It is possible to decide whether the information must be displayed with the faults that block
the appliance or faults which do not block the appliance, or with faults which cannot be
reset during normal user mode.
Tap "Modify" to change the references.
Energy Saving mode
The appliance's energy saving function can be enabled. Its parameters can also be
modified and its time frames can be set.
Energy Saving
Enables/disables the energy saving function.
The appliance can manage various energy saving profiles.
Some of the parameters in every energy saving profile can be customised.
This profile enables the energy saving mode after the appliance has a period of inactivity.
When a selection is requested, the machine exits the energy saving mode.
It is possible to:
- Set after how many minutes of appliance inactivity to activate the energy saving profile.
- Set the maintenance temperature of the heating unit(s) in the energy saving mode.
- Enable/disable the appliance's lighting.
- Select the brightness level of the touchscreen from those that have been predefined.
This profile is active during the set time frames.
During the set time frames, the heating unit temperature is lowered and the maintenance
temperature is set.
- Set how many minutes to advance the heating of the heating unit(s) before the end of
the time frame. For example 5 minutes: 5 minutes before the end of the time frame, the
heating unit(s) heating cycle is activated in order to reach the operating temperature.
Energy Saving time
Allows the time frames of the energy saving profiles to be set.
- Select the day for which the time frames will be set.
- Tap the "Add" button, then the line of the profile in order to position a rectangle indicating
the time.
- Drag the rectangle to define the time exactly.
To delete a rectangle, tap the "Remove" button, then tap the rectangle to be deleted.
Settings made for the entire week or a single day can be copied.
Tap "Copy day profile" to be able to:
- Copy the time frames that have been set for a single day of the week; tap the day to set
the energy saving mode to and then tap "paste day profile".
Copy the set up time frames for all days of the week; touch "paste daily profile to all days".
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