CONGRATULATIONS. You have just acquired one of the most advanced audio components
ever developed.
Your SAE 8300 8-channel amplifier was designed to set new standards in virtually every perfor-
mance category. Each channel uses a dual-differential balanced design with a 4-quadrant input stage to nudge the
edge of the art in such categories as signal-to-noise ratio, slew rate and low distortion
Other significant advances in the amplifier include:
1. Dual design with separate and independent power transformers, power switches and line cords for each channel
2. High temperature (Class F rated) toroidal transformers;
3. Dual temperature sensors and low-speed cooling fan to maintain proper operating temperatures.
4. Four layer circuit boards used throughout; each with separate power and ground planes;
5. Current feedback for improved amplifier control and virtually unlimited slew rate;
6. Double transistor input stage;
7. Dual-DC Servos virtually eliminate any DC offset;
8. ThermalTrak output devices optimize bias in real-time;
9. All protection circuitry is optically coupled and outside the circuit path. It is self-resetting;