MTA36 User Manual
The equipment does not have RCT (Real Clock Time), but the time can be introduced.
By pressing the synchronize button, the device will take the date and time from the
computer to which it is connected (as it does not have RCT, the time can be delayed, it
is advisable to synchronize the device from time to time for its correct operation,
mainly in tariff mode).
For the demand side configuration, the energy demand is calculated using the
arithmetic integration of the power values over a period of time divided by the length
of the period. The result is equivalent to the energy accumulated during the period of
time divided by the length of the period.
The current demand is calculated using the arithmetic integration of the rms current
values over a period of time divided by the period length.
The duration of the intervals for calculating the demand is taken care of by the
equipment. Several methods can be implemented:
Fixed block interval (fix): the intervals are consecutive, the power meter calculates and
updates the demand at the end of each interval.
Note: 15min is only an example.
Sliding block interval (slip): the intervals are sliding. The equipment calculates and
updates the demand at the slip rate.
Note: 15min is only an example.
Relative time parameters are set as t (slip time, unit: minutes) and T (slip block
interval, unit: minute)