Green key
To add new city.use this menu.you can
add 5 cities at most.
Yellow key
To delete current city.
Blue key
To switch other temperature mode.
15.6 RSS Reader
In this menu you can see the news
Red key
To update the news to the newest.
Green key
To add new channels,you can input a new
website.use this menu.you can add 10
channels at most.
Yellow key
To delete current channel.
Blue key
To edit current channel information.you
can edit channel name and channel Url.
Press ok button to see the detail
infomation.like the below.
15.7 Titan Online
In this memu you can connect to the
server get some informations, like News,
FAQ, User manual etc.
16. Game
When you enter “Game” menu, you will see
three Games include Tetris, Snake and Othello.
Basic operation statement