1. Squeegee down adjustment:
To adjust the down distance of the
squeegee, turn knob located above the
squeegee cylinder. The red, yellow and
block lines are reference marks.
2. Flood down adjustment:
To adjust the down distance of the flood
bar, follow same procedure as the
squeegee down adjustment.
*Recommended distance between flood
bar and screen is approximately .005
*Turn off main air source when making
adjustments to print head.
3. Screen frame cradle cushions: These are
used to assist in the starting/stopping
position and movement of the screen
frame cradle. Adjust both cushions to
determine the print stroke length. * Be
sure not to allow over stroke of the screen,
this will make the beginning edge of the
image printed on the filter
make contact with the end of the image on
the bottom of the screen creating a bad
print. Adjust the flow controls located on
the cylinders to provide a quick but smooth
stop. *Do not allow the screen frame cradle
to touch the sensors located next to each
4. Squeegee pressure adjustment:
Adjust the amount of downward pressure
applied to the squeegee.
5. Print and flood speed adjustment:
Left = Print speed adjustment
Right= Flood speed adjustment
1a. Flood Bar.
1b. Flood Bar Up/Down Adjustment:
To adjust the down distance of the flood bar,
knob located above flood bar cylinder.
*Recommended distance between flood bar and
screen is approximately .005”.
*Turn off main air source when making
adjustments to the print head.
2a. Squeegee.
2b. Squeegee Up/Down Adjustment:
To adjust the down distance of the squeegee, turn
knob located above the squeegee cylinder.
The red, yellow, and black lines are reference
3. Carriage Lift Speed Flow Control:
Turn clockwise to decrease speed of the carriage
Turn counterclockwise to increase speed.
4. Flood Speed Flow Control:
This flow control sets the speed of the flood stroke.
*Refer to item number 3 for adjustment
5. Print Speed Flow Control:
This flow control sets the desired speed of the print
*Refer to item number 3 for adjustment
6. Shock Plate:
Sets to desired stroke length.
*Shock absorber stiffness can be adjusted via
flathead screwdriver.
*Printhead should not crash into the plate at the
end of the stroke.
7. Shock Absorber:
Adjust via shock plate so that absorber compresses
at the same time as the Part #R0803001.
8. Part #R0803001:
Button should compress at the same time as the
shock absorber.
*See item number 6.
9. Squeegee Stop:
Adjustable in conjunction with back shock absorber
to fit desired stroke length.