JFK Product & Installation Instructions #8920100 Feb 2, 2015
Pg. 18
FIG 11
FIG 12
Changing Just for Kids Apparatus Configurations
Simply by changing the combination of uprights placed between the S/A Sport Just for Kids Base Assemblies
you can create numerous Apparatus Configurations. (See Chart on page 7)
This procedure will require at least two (2) qualified persons. At no time should children or other
unqualified personnel undertake any part of this procedure.
To install or remove uprights on the bases, completely loosen the Clamp Handles on
both sides of one of the Upright Assemblies by turning Counter Clockwise direction.
Carefully lift an Upright Assembly onto or off the bases. Always adjust the distance
between the Base Assemblies so that the inside surfaces of the upright clamp
mechanisms are tight to the Base Assemblies.
Note: Ensure that the Upright Assemblies remain square & perpendicular
to the Bases after adjusting there location on the bases.
Lock the Uprights in place by tightening the Clamp handle by spinning it in a
clockwise direction.
If you are assembling Just for Kids Parallel Bars or Uneven Bars repeat steps 1
through 3 with the second Upright Assembly.
Equipment Height Adjustment
S/A Sport recommends that two (2) qualified persons perform this adjustment. At no time
should children or other unqualified persons perform equipment height adjustments.
To avoid possible injury and/or damage to the equipment, support the Rail or
Ring Frame during all Inner tube height adjustments.
Note: To avoid injury while adjusting Ring Frame or Rail height, keep hands
well clear of the Inner Tubes where they slide into the Uprights.
Loosen the Spin-Snap Lock Device on each side of the Uprights, by turning the
Spin Lock portion, round disc, counterclockwise. (See FIG 12)
While supporting the weight of the Rail, Ring Frame, pull outward on the Snap
Lock Portion of the Spin-Snap Lock Devices on the Uprights. (See FIG 12)
Adjust the height of the rail to the desired setting by raising or lowering the rail.
Note that the height settings are in increments of 3”.
Release the Snap Lock Devices and lift or lower the Rail, or Ring Frame inner
tube until the Snap Lock device’s pin is engaged in the locking hole.
Note: Ensure that the Snap Lock Devices are fully engaged in a locking hole.
With the Snap Locking Devices fully engaged, tighten the Spin Lock Portion
securely, by turning the round disc clockwise.