Click on a channel to select/cancel it. As shown in Figure 5-3, click on the channel to cancel
it when there is no need to operate on channel 3. Click on the channel to reselect it when it
is necessary to invoke the program on channel 3.
Figure 5-3
5.3 Invoke Program
Click to select [User program] or [Default program] to be invoked on [Home], click
and the selected program will be assigned to the selected channel, as shown
in Figure 5-4. Both channels 1 and 2 invoke programs, channel 3 is unselected and channel
4 is “Free”.
Figure 5-4
Select the channel and click
to clear the program invoked by the selected
channel, and the channel status will change to “Installed”, such as Channel 2 in Figure 5-5.
The channel can also reselect the program to replace the cleared program.