Source configuration for Russound MCA-Series controllers
Configure the MCA-Series Controller using SCS-C5
configuration software.
The BSK-1 is supported by C-Series products with the
minimum firmware listed below :
MCA-C3 v4.00.00 or higher
MCA-C5 v5.00.00 or higher
MDK-C5 v5.00.00 or higher
SCS-C5 v5.00.00 or higher
My Russound v2.00.00 or higher
All current firmware update files are located on the
Russound Support center,
The installer configures the source input which the
BSK-1 is connected to by selecting the device from the
drop-down list of source device types on the source setup
page. A drop down list will be presented for selection of
a Primary Zone with a default selection of 'None' along
with a turn on volume setting for the Primary Zone if this
is to be used as a Local Source. If this is to be used as a
global source for all zones leave the selection as 'None'.
Otherwise, select a Primary Zone from the list and adjust
the turn on volume for the Primary Zone for when the BSK-
1 is being used. Doing so enables the audio sensing for
that source input to trigger local source settings for the
selected zone as follows:
• Turn on the Primary Zone.
• Select the BSK-1 source for the Primary Zone
• Set the Primary Zone volume for Local Source use
Adjust the Source Volume Trim on the Source Summary
page within SCS-C5 so that the BSK-1 output level
appropriately matches that of the other audio sources.
Save the system configuration to the controller
Assigning a custom name to the device
The BTC-1X comes configured with the Name
To create a more secure network, it is recommended that
a unique Name be created at the time of installation and
provided to the homeowner.
Follow the steps below to create a unique Name for each
CAT-5 cable must be connected during
programming to provide power to BTC-1X.
1. Plug in the micro USB cable (included) to the USB
programming port in the BTC-1X. (see diagram)
2 Connect the micro USB cable to the USB port on the PC.
3. Download the BSK-1 programming software from the
dealer portal at
4. Launch the BTC-1X Configuration Tool software.