UNO-TS2 Touchscreen Control
An UNO-TS2 touchscreen provides the most com-
plete control and feedback option for iTunes. The
touchscreen allows navigation through the menus in
iTunes to select music by playlist, genre, artist,
album, and song. It also displays current selec-
Note: UNO-TS2 screen version 2.00.01 is
required for use with iBridge Bay.
Once you select the iBridge Bay from the home
screen, you reach the Bay screens. From the
screen you can scroll through playlists by pressing
hard keys to the right of the display,
or select the next or previous song with the song
hard key. You can also press the Shuffle
soft key to toggle Shuffle off and on.
Pressing the Music soft key displays the Request
screen (right) to access music through any of the
five categories. Selecting any one of the categories
allows you to quickly navigate through your music.
Shared playlists appear with the first four let-
ters of the “Shared Name” as a prefix to the playlist
name. Example: a playlist from shared name
“James” would show as “Jame:Rock Hits.”