Product may vary slightly from what is illustrated.
Welcome to Sous-Vide Cooking
When cooked at the correct temperature and length of time, sous-vide
cooking slowly pasteurizes the food and makes it safe to eat at a lower
temperature than faster cooking methods can. Although sous-vide
(pronounced "soo-veed") means "under vacuum" in French, vacuum
equipment isn't necessary in order to cook this way.
Food is placed in a pouch. Then all the air is expelled and the pouch sealed.
The food is fully immersed in a precisely heated water bath to slowly and
evenly cook to tender deliciousness. It can be held, after finishing cooking, at
that temperature for an additional hour or so without overcooking.
When it's time to eat, remove the food from the bag, sear it quickly over high
heat to brown, and enjoy!
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